Thursday, May 15, 2014

We Have a Winner!

The winner of the Arizona bundle....

a number randomly selected by 'The Boy'

# 25 Patti!!!!

Patti...I am sending you an email to get your mailing address!!! Yay!

I will be gone for the weekend.  Cuz, this little Piggy is going to Market!!!

I hope to come back full of inspiration!  I will be sure to give you a complete review.

Congrats, Patti!
xo mary


  1. Market--how fun! Market is always so exciting!

  2. Congradulations Patti, you are going to have so much fun creating something, I just know it.
    To market to market.

  3. Thanks so much, Mary! To say I'm thrilled doesn't even come close!

  4. Congratulations to Patti!! Mary, your Arizona quilt and Leghorn pillows are wonderful!!! They'll be much admired at Market !!! Have a fun time.
