Thursday, July 29, 2010


I so enjoy waking up in the morning and sitting at the table to quilt.  The house is cool and quiet.  It is a great time to just sit with my quilt, a cup of coffee, and stitch....stillness.
I basted my quilt last night and I did decide to use perle cotton and hand quilt. 
I chose to use a single piece of fabric for the backing - rather than piecing the backing.  Hand quilting with Anna Maria Horner voile is just incredible.  The needle glides through the fabric like a knife through warm butter.  And the feel of the fabric is beyond compare.  Although, basting is a bit tricky.  I have found masking tape will not adhere to the voile so I use temporary adhesive (KK 2000 - Sulky) to hold everything in place while I add the basting pins.  It is worth the time and effort.     
A special thank you to April from Sew To Speak!  She acted as my tutor yesterday and gave me some terrific technical advice regarding my blog.  I have yet to put her suggestions to practice....hopefully I will be able to remember everything we covered :)  Thanks April!
Back to stitching!


1 comment:

  1. This is lovely, Mary! I love the colors, the white, the design, the stitching... it's gorgeous!
