Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Cathedral Window

Chain piecing always seems so satisfying...I feel like I have accomplished so much in such a little amount of time.
Chain piecing the squares that will hold the windows....
Adding the bright little window squares...

I must use this clear 1/4 inch foot for most of my sewing.  I sew on a Janome MC6600 and this foot comes with a guide for the 1/4 inch seam as well as a guide for "stitch in the ditch".  I always use it without the guides, but the markings are very evident and the clear foot makes for easier visibility
This will become a pillow....and my middle daughter, Maggie, has already claimed it!

Molly....worked on a dresser scarf for g-ma...

Today I received a lovely email from a student who had just finished the final touches on her daughter's quilt.  She sent along pictures of the beautiful quilt she made and a list of insights....things she discovered beyond the stitches while making this quilt.  She was so kind to allow me to share them in the blog...
::take it one stitch at a time (the task seems overwhelming if looking too far ahead)::

::i am a picker, not a rocker::

::best-press = best friend::

::hand-quilting is meditative::

::hand-quilting brings out some emotions (i had lots of time to think while quilting...did some soul-searching, both crying and smiling)::

::in each stitch is an intention, a hope, a wish, and dream for the recipient::

::respect for the pioneer woman that had to quilt for warmth, not just for fun::

::i heart pearl cotton:: ( i love the artsy style it adds to the quilt...my mother-in-law asked if they were basting stitches...some people get it and others never will!)

::an overwhelming sense of accomplishment::

::hand-made is always better::

::an amazing teacher can teach her student anything::

Beautiful sentiments and so well put.....thanks, Ev!


  1. Beautiful pictures! and such a lovely note!! I have to agree with your student. I have never handquilted a baby quilt without many prayers and wishes for baby and Mom...and don't even get me started on the emotions that went into my daughter's quilt for her first year away at college!!

  2. Lovely sentiments. I absolutely agree. Pick-stiching my quilt has taught me to slow down, and enjoy the process. Not so easy when I usually like fast results, but the slow effort is worth it! It's in the journey, not just the end! : )

  3. I love your cathedral window pillow! I am thinking I must make one of these too. Can you tell me what the pattern is please?
    Well done and love the blog.

  4. Hi Sherrie...I used a method similar to the one used on the blog Hyena in Petticoats.
