Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Half Square Triangles

The back is finished for the Coin Quilt and now ready for basting.  That has to be my very least favorite part of quilting.  I have to take everything down to the basement - with all the spiders - or potential spiders.  I really do not like crawly things....silly I know...I am so much bigger than they are, what could they possibly do to me?  Luckily, I have a dance floor which is large enough to accommodate almost any quilt.  So I don't have to lay my quilt out on the concrete - but still basting is just a chore.  I will probably put it off till tomorrow as we have G-MA coming for her 81st. birthday dinner celebration!  YAY!!!

Today I started working on the quilts for the twins using the new line of Far, Far Away fabrics - from my very favorite little fabric shoppe - Sew To Speak.  I am adding some of the roses and linens in natural and yellow.  Usually, when sewing half square triangles (which I am using for these quilts) I cut strips 7/8 inch larger than my finished size and lay the strips - right sides together - sew a 1/4 inch on both sides of the diagonal line which cuts the subsectioned squares.  But for these fabrics I wanted to be sure I had the Owl and Pussycat in the triangle so I cut 6 inch squares and stitched on both sides of the diagonal.

Here is a little sneak peek.......
I love the texture of the linen and the subtle muted tones of this fabric - very different from my usual brights!
Molly has been stitching....she is working on a dresser scarf for G-MA!  She made a terrific dish towel for me :)

Can't you just picture this in Anthropologie?  Thanks Again, Molly!


  1. Bear with me Mary... you know I'm not a quilter :)
    but after sewing on both sides of your diagonally drawn line, do you cut on the line and then have two squares?

    I love what your doing!!! This is going to make gorgeous baby quilts.
    I think I'd like to make a half square triangle quilt. Will you use sashing, or will they all just be connected to each other?

  2. Hi April,sorry my post should have been more specific...yes cut on the drawn line. Then you have two half square triangles. So I cut my original square 6" and then sew two squares right sides facing on both sides of the diagonal (1/4 inch seam allowance)- cut on the drawn line. Open up the square and you have two triangles together...the size of the square is now 5.5 inches due to the two 1/4 inch seam allowances. I am not using sashing as I think this will end up as a zig zag quilt...not sure about borders yet. Hope this helps :)

  3. Such a beautiful hand towel. :o) I could never use it! I would only admire it. :o)
