Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Kaleido-ruler....

What a treat! Yesterday the mailman left a package on my porch...THE KALEIDO- RULER...*insert angel's singing*
So I whipped out my new copy of Material Obsession 2 and found my project!
THE STASHBUSTER!!!  It sounds like a ride at Cedar Point...I think the sub-title should be REPLENISH YOUR STASH!!!
With my trusty coffee close by, I began cutting strips of cool colors and warm colors...I have decided I am more of a warm color person...I love working with reds, yellows and oranges...

In between grocery shopping, doctor's appointments, and cooking dinner - I began sewing together strips.....
And in the wee morning hours...I am sewing strips...stay tuned....there will be more to come!


  1. Oh my god - what a project!! I can´t quite imagine what the stripes will become ... lovely fabrics so far!

  2. You have such gorgeous fabrics! And your new blocks, that you used these strips for are just gorgeous!!
    Does Material Obsession come with directions too? I am still a newby and not too afraid of a challenge (ha ha) and I keep looking at the books on amazon. Would you recommend them?

  3. Yes, Material Obsession - both the original and 2 - have instructions and templates. The books also include some basic instructions for piecing and quilting. You might be able to locate one at your local fabric store or I have seen them at Barnes and Noble. That way you can take a look at them to see if you are interested. Good luck!

  4. great photos. i'm curious to know how exactly you use that ruler. are you going to do a kind of tutorial? i ran across you on flikr and your colors are lovely and i LOVE your blog header photo, so dreamy, the stitches and fibers.

  5. Thanks so much! I need to play around with the ruler some more - there are so many possiblities with this ruler. It is manufactured by Marti Mitchell and she has a very informative web site. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. i cannot wait to get this book! i am so glad you have a blog now! you know i adore all your work. never a disappointment.
