Monday, December 13, 2010

Hello Winter!!!!

Here is the view outside my front window...the first snow is always so pretty....
But it did interrupt my plans to quilt with some friends (boo)...the roads were treacherous - so I just stayed inside and finished the zig zag quilt #2.....
Just like the first quilt, this one is completely hand quilted with perle cotton...ready for the little girls to wrap up in this winter...

It is good to have that finished...more projects to finish this week...and shopping left to do before Santa's big day!
Stay warm and dry!
Mary :) 


  1. All hand quilted! WOW! I so admire that.
    That snow does look lovely! We are having 80 degree weather today. I do wish it be a bit cooler.

  2. I have never hand quilted with perle cotton, but I really love the way it looks in your quilt. I know that the recipient will adore it! It's gorgeous.

    Any tips you can offer on working with perle cotton?

  3. I really Like your quilts! looks warm! :)

  4. Beautiful quilts, your hand quiltingis sooo neat ! :)

  5. Thanks everyone! I am glad these are finished...just too much going on this time of year!

  6. I am absolutely smitten with your hand quilting!! I have been for the longest time and unsure if I have told you or not. :o) I was curious, what type of needle do you use? And I noticed the perl cotton comes in different sizes. Do you have a favorite ... and my last question (smile!) do you draw lines on your quilt first?

    Sincerely - Trish
