Saturday, February 26, 2011

Weekend Work...

Pick stitching and piecing....

What are you working on this weekend?


  1. I love the blocks and the black stitching. I'm working on a couple of patterns for an Easter project.

  2. Love love love your quilting!! :o) Is that a scrappy quilt? Your blocks are coming along beautifully! :o)
    We have a weekend of running, so the sewing machine will be quiet, but in the evenings I plan on pulling out my crochet. :o)
    I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
    Sincerely, Trish

  3. Hi Trish...that is the pickle-dish I am stitching. There are connecting squares between the arcs. Can't wait to see it finished! Have a great weekend!

  4. I'm hand sewing the binding on a quilt which has been waiting to be finished since Xmas. I'm machine sewing my Amitie BOM because my hands aren't up to hand sewing it. And I need to think about my March block for Busy Bees where I have to make a block of a window- need to get ideas for that one. And, when that lot is done, I can get on with my Ruby Star Rising quilt finally but I'm making myself do the other jobs first :-( Your stitching is wonderful - I'd love to see what's going on there.

  5. Your works in progress are looking great. I just finished a baby quilt and am starting on a little dress for my granddaughter. Although the sun is peeking out from the clouds and it's getting tempting to head outside. Have a wonderful weekend.
