Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Working in Strawberry Fields....

On Tuesday I pulled the fabrics I have collected so far for my Strawberry Fields quilt....

I have a couple of other fabrics I have ordered, but they haven't arrived yet....
It always seem a bit hit or miss ordering fabrics you have not seen in person, but hopefully they will work just fine...if not I am sure I will use them somewhere :)

So things were clicking along just fine....

And then for some reason I could not get the cornerstone square to work....I read and re-read the instructions...trying to figure out if I had left out a step, done something wrong or if the instructions were just incorrect.  I remembered that Suz from PatchworknPlay made a very cute Chubby Star quilt from the same pattern....she was so kind to add technical support to my perplexing issue....and, of course, the issue was all mine.  The instructions are correct and work like a dream when you read them correctly :)  

This is the precious cornerstone square....

So this is how the block will look {without some of the sashing}...
It is not my usual bright, bright....but I am liking it....kind of "Spring like"...
And I must say...I am lovin' the internet, Blogger and Flickr....without it I would not have known Suz and her cute quilt....with it I was able to get much needed support from across the ocean!  THANK YOU Suz!!! 

If you have not visited really need to check out all that Suz has done...this is one gal who likes a challenge!

On another note....last night, I had the opportunity to meet the talented and gracious Amy Butler {I forgot to take my camera out of my purse so you will just have to take my word for it}  She is a lovely person and it was so fun to meet her!!!  She visited our little shoppe and I was lucky enough to be asked to I got to be a part of the excitement all evening was a super great time!!!



  1. Your Strawberry Fields block is so cute. Lucky you meeting Amy! I saw her at quilt market but she was so busy I did not meet her. It must have been fun.

  2. Oh my, this is SO perfect! You'll have to rename the quilt though ... there's not a strawberry in sight. :)

  3. I usually like the brights, too, but this is fantastic!

  4. Wow I heart patchwork!!
    Especially loving all the polka dot action on blogs right now!

  5. I am loving this quilt - loved Susan's - it is one of my all time faves - I really laughed when the instructions were right - gosh that it like the story of my quilting life - I always assume the book is wrong and I'm right and so far that's never been the case! I've heard Amy Butler is very gracious too.

  6. How cute! I can't wait to see how it turns out!

  7. This looks like it is going to be a very cute quilt. I saw Amy Butler at quilt market in Portland in 2008, and she graciously took a picture with me. She was so nice!

  8. Oh, your quilt is going to look amazing! The dots suit the fabrics and design so well. Glad I could help! What fun meeting Amy Butler! Sometimes I think all these quilters can't be real people,but when we meet one we realise they are just like us!!

  9. Love how cute this is turning out. I need that cute fabric, can't find the yellow anywhere, back to searching!

  10. The quilt is going to be great. How fun meeting Ms. Butler!

  11. I love the muted fabrics. They have a retro look to them and the block turned out beautiful.

  12. Thanks everyone! I am liking this fabric and the pattern {if I could only read it properly}!

  13. You know what I love about your quilting, well everything really! But today I am struck again at the fabrics you choose. Those are fabrics I wouldn't think to put together and then you put that block together and it's beautiful! You make me rethink the way I view fabric. Thank you for that! (and thank you for your fabulous quilts!)

  14. I am new to quilting and you are an inspiration. I love the material you picked for your quilt, cant wait to see it done. I will go to patchworkanplay

  15. I love everything about it. Love the fabric and design. You've got a great thing going here.

  16. ohhh, Mary, you have the most wonderful eye for combining fabrics and colors and I'm just in awe of what you create! This is so sweet! { met Amy?! :0 What fun! I think I would be a total geek in front of her!}
