Monday, April 4, 2011

Love Color!!!!

I am here to tell you I have a terrible addiction to fabric!!!  I just can't seem to get through the week without purchasing a little stash of pretty...
So here are a few of my latest finds....I did add some much needed solids to my stash....

Okay...I didn't just buy the Amy Butler....I thought it looked good with this bunch.

I love Riley Blake lovely and feels nice too!!!
I also purchased a new book!!!  Two friends suggested this I bought it.  Seriously?  Is that all it takes - two people to say something to me and I do it?  Good thing I don't have folks telling me to jump off a bridge....although I am sure some would like to :) 
And while we are in confession....or I am in confession....I do buy books because of the pretty pictures....lame, huh?

I looked through it briefly and it is rather straight forward....with very pretty pictures!

Getting ready for class tonight...I am thinking about color and prints.  I usually gravitate towards bright colors and high contrast fabric.  That gingham by Michael Miller...called Picnic, I believe, in red and white is one of my all time favorite fabrics.
So, in between storms {I have to keep turning off and unplugging my machine - because I would cry if anything happened to my machine} I have been working on a liberated half square triangle block using colors nearly opposite on the color wheel....

These rectangles are tiny....1 1/2 inches by 2 inches...

On a totally different sweet Molly had a flat tire on the freeway this morning, but some very nice men stopped and changed her tire for her.  I just hate the thought of her getting out of her car on the freeway, but there are some very thoughtful people out there. 
Hope you are having a good day free of flat tires :)


  1. can't wait to see what you make with the new pretties! where did you manage to find gray/mustard wallflower??i havent seen that inages! lucky me, my library got that next on the list for it!!

  2. LOL!!! Jenny...that is from my stash!!! Sorry...ages is right!!!

  3. I've noticed that book around lately, would love to see it in person. Do you buy most of your fabric from your LQS? Love the triangles!

  4. Gorgeous! I, too, have the same addiction! And your Molly on the highway gives me heart palpitations! So glad she's safe - flat tire/highway/strange man - eek!

  5. I have that book and the pictures ARE pretty! So is your fabric.

  6. Pretty the colours and prints in the first photo different to what I'D normally buy. Cute little triangles! But I love pink too!

  7. Haha! I only need one person...tell me more, Mary! :) Your color and fabric combination's are always so wonderful! ~ I'm glad Molly's okay! That's scary having a flat on the freeway!

  8. Oh that green gingham and rich "purple?" is just gorgeous together!! And I was just curious, I have read the term "liberated" a few times now and wondered if that was from a particular book or is it a term that quilters use to describe their work? I have "Material Obsession" on my Amazon wish list. :o) I know it may be over my head a little bit, but I really want to give it a try!! :o) Would you recommend your recent book purchase?
    So glad that Molly is safe and the kindest of men stopped to help. I would be scared too. :o)
    Have a great day Mary. :o)

  9. Those colors go so well together! I love it!

  10. ooh I love that green gingham! I buy books for the pretty pictures as well, but dont tell anyone!

  11. Looks like fun. I just got that book, too.
