Thursday, April 7, 2011


I had a wonderful visit with my mom....and this time I remembered my camera!  I wanted to take some pictures of her quilts.
These quilts were made by my great aunt (who is now 101 yrs. old!) and various other people...
There are a couple that are only about 30 yrs. old, but the others are knocking on 90 - 100 yrs. old.

This Dresden Plate is on a beautiful antique guest bed.  All of the quilts are hand quilted....

This one is on a guest bed...probably only about 30 years old.

This one is on my mom's bed....all hand applique....and every one of these is completely hand quilted.....just beautiful!!!

This one is very old, but I don't have much information about it.  My mother's parents lived in a retirement village and my mom purchased this quilt from an estate sale in the village.  I love the red and white and I just get chills over the tiny close quilting!!! Ahhhhh!!!!

This one is most likely from the 1940' has that cool pepto-bismol pink...

Honestly - these are just fabulous...I was like a kid in a candy store!!!!

And this one was a quilt commissioned by another great aunt for her bedroom....she died at the age of 92 {yes we tend to live a long time}  in the early 1970' I am thinking this has to be very close to, if not more than 100 years old.

The fabrics are just fabulous....little spiderwebs, lovely tiny flowers, the smallest of still my heart!!!

And then I took a picture of a quilt I made for my mom and dad about 15 years ago....she was so sweet and had it framed....a huge expense, but I do think it sets it off nicely...

It too was all hand quilted....see my ghostly image in the picture???  Scary, huh?

Aren't they lovely?  I hope in 40+ years people are looking at our quilts and admiring the workmanship and the fantastic fabric, color choices, design choice....I hope.


  1. Thanks for sharing these beautiful quilts! It is a comforting thought to think our quilts might live on and be loved in homes after we're gone. It's so sweet that your Mom framed your quilt too :)

  2. These are beautiful. What treasures these are!

  3. those are just wonderful! and to think of the sweet hands that made them so many years ago. i have several here that my great aunt made and one that a neighbor's mother made (for our wedding!). only now that i have learned the art of quilting do i truly understand the love and hard-work that went into them!

  4. Oh Mary. What precious heirlooms you were surrounded by. They are all so beautiful and those stitches - be still my heart!!! Nothing compares!!
    You are a lucky girl! :o)
    Sincerely, Trish

  5. These are all gorgeous! This makes me want to photograph the quilts my great-grandmother made, but they are scattered all over.
    I love love love the one with the interlocking circles.

  6. Thanks for sharing all of those, Mary! And yours at the end was the crowning glory, I must say!

  7. I loved the fun tour...thank you (and your mom) for sharing the gorgeous quilts. What a lovely quilty heritage you have!

  8. Just wonderful. I love the fact that they took the time to do all of the work. Thank you for sharing!

  9. Mary, thank you for sharing these with us! They are just beautiful! I love seeing them on the beds and I love that your mom framed your quilt! {At my last quilt guild meeting, a woman brought in an old vintage quilt. Even though it needs a bit of patching, it was stunning! and you're so right..old quilts should be preserved!} :)

  10. These are so wonderful! So absolutly beautyful!

    And i'm very impressed about the fact that all are handquiltet.
    I prefer handquilting by my self, but to quilt such huge pieces, I'm almost afraid of :-)

    It will be a challenge to my patience! :-)


  11. what stunning quilts, wonderful that they are being used too!

  12. Oh,thanks for taking us into your Mum's home and the quilt tour! I think the red and white one is my favourite... stunning in its simplicity!

  13. yes thanks for the tour and its great to record all these family heirlooms before people forget who made what. Those family details are precious too!

  14. Those are lovely and what a treasure! I love the pink and white one and the wedding ring quilt. Thanks for sharing.

  15. How wonderful to have such an enduring family legacy!

  16. Thanks for sharing those quilts, they gave me goosebumps seeing how old they might be and wondering what sort of person made them, I just adore the 1940s one.

  17. What a fun tour of beautiful quilts Mary! They are all so beautiful.

  18. Thank you for sharing all these amazing quilts!

  19. Every one is stunning. Simply stunning. It goes to show that quilt artistry never goes out of style no matter what. These are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing them. You're mom is very lucky to have them.

  20. just beautiful. the red and white quilt is the very same quilt that is on my bed only mine is blue and white..all hand quilted. mine is in a very worn condition. by the time i got i rescued it from an attic it was too late.
