Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Star Is Born!

Working up some more New York Beauty blocks.  I am pretty sure I am going to arrange the blocks as quarter blocks....just the quadrants....sort of fan style.  Then add a cool spike sashing and some cute star corner blocks.....how does that sound?

not sure if I will keep these colors but this helps me visualize the quilt

And this is a Happy Block!!!!  Actually, only a quarter of a block :)

We have welcomed winter back to Ohio....I think it is in the 40's today....rainy and blustery....
But I was able to sneak outside my front door to snap a shot of these little sweeties before the wind rips them apart....

I am off to pick a prescription for Molly....a sinus infection :(  Booo....
Hope the sun is shining on your part of the world today!


  1. i am in love with your fabric choices. they make my mouth water!

  2. What a pretty trio of photos..lots of lovely spots and flowers! Don't you love daffodils? And the star block is fabulous! I hope Molly is feeling better soon. S x

  3. WOW! Those blocks are soooo colorful and happy! I have been reading your blog for awhile and LOVE the work you do! Thanks for sharing!!!

  4. I love your blocks!! Especially those bright and beautiful beauties!!!

  5. i told you all is right if you have polka dots included... these blocks are so pretty! I really, really love them!

  6. Mary, I love your new blocks, the Happy block is wonderful, can't wait to see the entire block and quilt, I know it will be wonderful. Yes, indeed, summer is here already which is NOT always a good thing, today was a balmy 83.

  7. The points of the block look like the sun shining on your pretty quilt...and the daffodils! Love your color choices...and dots, of course!

  8. What beautyful blocks! Sure they will lure spring coming back to you :-)


  9. I had seen your New York Beauty beginning and thought "I've always loved those blocks". So I looked at some patterns on the 'net and thought "Nope!" but now, after seeing your version again I'm going "I have to do that!" It's your fabric choices that really speak to me! Thank you! Toni

  10. Ooh, I can't wait to see your New York Beauty!
