Sunday, May 15, 2011

For My Sister....

In between working on the New York Beauty quilt....I wanted to put together a couple of quick projects.  To clear my mind before I finished up the Beauty...hee hee
I grabbed my Essex linen and the cute little kitty trim...and put together a little {very little} tote for my sister....

My sister loves cats...she has when I saw this trim in the shoppe, I knew it was purrrrr-fect for her!

Only about 3.5 inches tall...this will be just right for her tea...
Happy Sunday!


  1. Love love love the kitties!!!!!!!! I have 6...... =^..^=has she seen the simonscats films????? They are divine ...tvdinner is my favorite....

  2. oh my, that's a tiny bag. But, I am like you too. When working on a big project I have to throw in some quick finishes to feel like I finished something. I'm waiting for your NY Beauty, tho!

  3. Mary

    I purrrfectly understand why she will love it as I think is is purrrfect too! Come on with NYB! I'm now in quilting mode...

  4. Mary, that's so cute. Can you get me the info on the trim? I'm making a quilt for a friend who LOVES cats, so this would be an awesome addition.

  5. That is the cutest little mug bag! Simple gorgeous!!

  6. SO Sweet!!! The linen and kitty trim are purr-fect together!

  7. Very cute! It could be a useful little tote for lots of little jobs.

  8. How adorable! I always check out the trims in shops, I'm a sucker for them.

  9. lovely~did you use a free pattern by chance? i'd love ot make one of these for beside my sewing machine for all those thread snippets and such. thanks!
