Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Work In Progress Wednesday.....

First of all, I want to thank you for visiting Ellison Lane Quilts sure know how to make a girl feel very LOVED :)
I have been concentrating on getting one block of this Grandmother's Flower Garden finished....I like to do a block first before I completely commit to a quilt....and it gives me a chance to see if anything in the pattern/templates needs to be adjusted.....

This is a lot of piecing!!!  But I like the tiny green diamonds around the will set it off nicely when other blocks are added.

It is a very relaxing quilt to make and surprisingly it moves along once you sit and work on it...not torture anyway! Ha!

It's another cold, rainy day here....I am getting used to it.  I heard the summer is supposed to be cool.  Actually, I am okay with that too...I don't care for heat and humidity.  Tomorrow is going to be the only day without rain this week, but look at the beauty just outside my front door!

So now I need to get some lunch and then I hope to work on the New York Beauty a bit this afternoon...I am sure it is feeling very neglected....
Thanks again for all the lovely comments on Jennifer's are just too sweet :)


  1. Can you sure what size hexagons and diamonds you're using? I love it...

  2. wow! that is beautiful, as always!

  3. Yes the hexagons are 1 1/4 inch...and the little diamonds measure about 1 1/2 inches from the longest point to point. Does that help? I have an old pattern from a Better Homes and Gardens Traditional American Crafts book...dates back to 1988!

  4. Wow you sure know how to get going! That hexie quilt is going to be adorable - you are going to make it right???!!! I found that once you get into a rhythm you cannot stop with hand piecing - much more relaxing than machine piecing.

  5. are you kidding me? You got that done fast and it is beautiful. You must make this your lifetime quilt. Now I am inspired even more!

  6. I like your idea of making 1 block first to see if you really like it, need to adjust things, etc. and then move one with a full quilt commitment. Most things can be turned into mug rugs or pillows... I should try this sometime on a more complicated block instead of 1. avoiding it or 2. cutting everything for the whole quilt and then wishing I hadn't.

  7. i see the hexagons everywhere on blogs, but haven't taken the time to understand them... you have to handstitch each of them together? wow! i really think it is wonderful. and, i cannot wait to see your new york beauty. the sneak peeks have be amazing.

  8. It looks gorgeous! I love hand piecing hexagons - it's a long way from torture for me too :)

  9. Another lovely post with lots of pretty photos! Is it 'lily of the valley'? (I'm not much of a gardener!) I love the hexies and the green diamond border! You must sit late into the night sewing!

  10. Love the hexagons...this project will be lovely to see as it progresses. Do you have any tips as to where I might access the Sleep quilt pattern?

  11. beautiful block...beautiful lily of the them both!

  12. Oh, my goodness. What catching up I have to do after being away from my bloggy friends for nearly a week! So I hopped on over to read your interview. Your quilts and style never cease to amaze me!

    This flower garden block is beautiful. I hadn't thought of using diamonds.

    And the lily of the valley picture is so pretty!

  13. Lily of the Valley is so sweet and heavenly scented. Your hexagons look wonderful!

  14. Lily of the Valley are one of my all time favourite flowers. What a lovely thing to have dancing their lovely heads in the bed outside your room. Here in Gippsland (to the east of Melbourne, Australia)we are well into Autumn, and I am about to plant out pansies into the bed under my bedroom.

    Hopefully they will be as beautiful as your flower garden blog.

  15. Oh that hexie flower is so great. I love the little green diamonds as well.

  16. Every time I see hexagons I think of my Gran and with the lilly of the valley (one of her favourite flowers) I'm having a little nostalgic moment this morning. All lovely as usual, I really like the colours together. Bethx (the linen cat - can't use my wordpress ID on comments but at least I can comment at the moment!)
