Thursday, June 2, 2011

Can you Believe It?

My sister suffers from terrible allergies and I received a text from her this morning asking me if I would be on the look-out for some hankies....
In an attempt to be 'green' she prefers hankies to tissues, but her collection is dwindling....
So after the text with the request she sends me a picture text....of one of her favorite hankies...I will spare you the gruesome details :)

WELL....with one look at the hankie I knew what it was....A Tammis Keefe!!!
I screamed a little and did a happy dance

This was my grandmother's hankie and it is still in perfect condition... 
If you don't know Tammis Keefe....she was born in 1913 and was a world famous textile designer.  She attended art school in Los Angeles and worked for Lord and Taylor.  She was only 46 when she died in 1960.

Today some of her designs are being re-issued by Michael Miller...and our shoppe has an entire shelf of Tammis Keefe fabric...
I have been meaning to purchase some to make a tea towel for my after the text...I hopped over to the shoppe to do just that!

My sister loves these are perfect for her!  I love the feathers flying around...hee hee!

Who wouldn't love this kitty....

And this one...

Then I needed to make a stop at Hobby Lobby and I found this sweet trim...perfect!
Another project for me :)


  1. That handkerchief is to die for....I absolutely think that print is the best!

  2. The tea towels are so cute with the hankie! She's going to love them! I didn't know about Tammis Keefe. oh, she was so young when she passed away. I'm intrigued and I want to look up more about her and her designs. :)

  3. i know it grosses most people out, but i prefer hankies, too. they have to be soft and thin and 100% cotton - those cotton/poly blend hankies are not nice!

  4. Great fabric ! I never heard of Tammis Keefe but will be googling her tonight. The fabrics are beautiful, your sister will love the hankies

  5. What a wonderful sister you are! and what beautiful fabric!

  6. it's definitely gross to drool over a hankie. but i am!!! drooling, that is. and gross, i suppose.

    the link to your shoppe doesn't work!!!

  7. I collect hankies and have used them all my life. That hankie is beautiful.

  8. That fabric is purr-fect! Sorry couldn't resist! I am unfamiliar with this designer but can see why she is still loved today- and I'm not even a cat person!!!

  9. what a nice sister you are! the hankies will be very cool!!

  10. Oh wow!! I love Tammis Keefe! I thought it was great when the brought out some of her fabrics. Those hankies will be just gorgeous, almost too nice to use. Isn't it wonderful when someone mentions something they need and you know you can make it for them.

  11. wow, those designs by tammis keefe are gorgeous! love it.and your grandmother's hankie is simply beautiful! a real treasure...
    i hope you don't mind my sceptical note: as long as our electricity isn't produced in an ecological way, washing & drying hankies is far from being green... (and, if she uses them more than once before washing, she collects all those pollens/allergens she's allergic to).
    anyway, she's lucky to have such a lovely sister who comes up with the perfect solution for her wishes!
    have a wonderful weekend,

  12. Ooh she cant blow her nose in that hankie!!

    Lovely fabrics, I do like a cute kitty,

    I weaned my husband off his hankie usage, probably more because of the washing aspect yuck!

    Monty Don is the presenter of the one and only gardening program here in the UK, he's more of a teddy bear I think than a scoundrel!!

    Super hot here today..that said I have two corners left to bind :)

    Have a great weekend Mary

    Clare x

  13. I'd love to see the finished tea towels. Such amazing prints with that rich history.

  14. Cuuuuute! I love the kitty fabric!!

  15. Thanks for the enlightenment about the the prints, but would find another use besides the original for that cute hanky! But, that's just me!! :)
