Friday, July 22, 2011

Critter Community Complete....Friday Finish!

This project started with a selection of fabulous fabrics designed by our own {Ohio} fabric designer....Suzy Ultman.  Our little shoppe {Sew To Speak} was fortunate enough to receive a preview bundle of fabric... and then I was fortunate enough to be allowed to take a bit to weave into a project!  So, at the risk of being labeled a One Trick Pony....I made a quilt!

I have blogged about this quilt for the past week or inspiration was an antique quilt - a log cabin on point - made in the 1890's!  Although, I am sure the quilter of the 1890's would be totally perplexed by the term wonky or liberated to describe to her quilt, but that is exactly what she accomplished!!! 

Suzy's fabric is so bright and cheerful, I had to pull out my bright spots and ginghams! 

By placing the block on point, I ended up with a pieced square in between the blocks where the four points meet....I love this little square!

For the back I stitched a few cast off corners together and squared them up....just enough to give it a little pop on the back!

It is pick stitched with perle cotton....

And for the binding I used a Riley Blake stripe with dashed those dashed lines!

This is a small quilt...just about 45" X 45"...perfect size for a wee one!!!

I love it!  But it began with a fantastic inspiration fabric....thanks Suzy Ultman!  We adore you!!!

For today the plan is to do a little hand piecing on my hexagons....

And try to stay cool!!!


  1. How unusual to see log cabin on point, and isn't it great getting a surprise square appear, magic!

  2. that came out very pretty.
    great job!~no stayin' cool here in arizona, where it's been like 113 lately. blech~

  3. What a fun quilt!

    Do you have any tips for quilting with perle cotton? I've always had to use pliers to pull my needle through.

  4. Fantastic finish. Love the little quilt. The critter fabric is so cute.

  5. That's very sweet. I love the hand stitching.

  6. Mary that is a great finish - I really like the little yellow critter in the mask - I guess he is a raccoon?? These new hexies look too cute - don't forget to update us on the quilt - you busy bee!

  7. Hi Mary! Everything about this quilt is so wonderful! The colors, the fabric and the "wonkyness". I am intrigues to see what the hexagons will become!
    Hope you are keeping cool, I am in northeast Ohio and we are sizzling :)

  8. Love the critter quilt. It's so bright and happy!

  9. Such a cute little critter quilt- do you have someone picked out for this? The colours and fabrics are so pretty and fresh! Stay cool !

  10. What a gorgeous quilt, so fun and fresh. I love the colours and the pick stitching looks great on it.

  11. the critter quilt is so sweet! what little one wouldn't want to be snuggled up in that? hope you are doing well! missed you in the shoppe the last time i dropped by... i will be back soon though.

  12. This is such a fabulous quilt, fun fabrics and fun colours!! It's been wonderful watching this quilt come together.

  13. I truly love every stitch! :o)
    You once asked on your blog
    where our inspiration comes from.
    The majority of mine comes from
    your blog. :o) I just love your
    hand stitching and choice of colors.
    Hoping you are able to beat
    this heat. :o)
    Sincerely, Trish

  14. Super adorable. Your setting and fabric choices work perfectly with those critters!

  15. Beautiful quilts and beautiful, gorgeous COLOURS! Love them :)

  16. Mary, no one would dare call you a one trick pony! Your quilts are amazing :)
