Friday, July 15, 2011


As I work on my Critter Community / Log Cabin On Point Quilt.....I have accumulated quite a stack of corners!  The extra parts of the block once I have trimmed....
So to be resourceful and not wasteful...I took a couple of corners....

Stitched them together on the long edge....squared it up....and SHAZAM!  A new block...using my cast-offs!

I am just imagining the possibilities....framing these blocks with a solid kona....or sashing them all in white....a mass of colorful blocks swimming in a sea of white!  How pretty and fresh!

Yesterday I need a little retail therapy so I hopped on over to my favorite little shoppe....and bagged my kill  made my purchase!!!

YAY!  A bunch of Happy Mochi Yum Yum!!!  This bright bunch of fun is perfect for my next project.....thank you Monica for designing such a great fabric line!!!

Then I set my sights on some Flower Sugar.....again perfect for my next project!
This fabric is just so sweet!

Happy Friday!!!


  1. as if i didn't alreayd love your log cabins on point enought Mary! I love this new block just as much!

  2. Great use of the leftovers! But now I'm desperate to know what the next project is with that yummy fabric!

  3. your cast off block is so great. i love it!

  4. Great work putting those scraps to good use!! And the Flower Sugar fabric is SO pretty! Look forward to seeing what you have planned!

  5. Ooh wee!!
    I lovvve that yum yum!!
    Happy weekend Mary!

  6. That is so clever. And super cute!
    I am swooning over your Flower Sugar purchase! I *just* posted images of those delicious fabrics the other day.
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
    Sincerely, Trish

  7. Those fabric choices are so you.

  8. I am loving the flower sugar too! Fat Quarter Shop is tempting me....LOL ;)

  9. This will be so cute....a great way to use the extras! I'm loving the Flower Sugar fabrics, too. I keep checking them out on line!

  10. Happy fabrics and happy blocks, thanks for eye candy.

  11. Love your triangle ends sewn back into a square block and your plan for them sounds like a winner! Mochi yum yum looks like such a fun range, I think I'll have to get some. And the flower sugar fabrics look pretty yummy too!

  12. Your new blocks are great!! What a good idea.
