Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Aurifil Giveaway Winners!!!

Wowza!  I wish I had a pack of thread to give everyone who left a comment....although I don't think I would like the postage :)   But rest assured, I am certain there will be more Aurifil giveaways throughout blogland....
This morning I used the infamous Random Integer Generator to choose 5 winners and here they are....

#174 - Dolphinlady from Winlock, Washington
#8 - Rachael from Belfast
#96 - Jean from Council Bluffs, Iowa
#192 - Sandie from Carlsbad, California
#220 - Piggyscraps from Germany

Yay!!!  Congratulations to all of you!!!

I will be sending each of you an email to get your address!

I could not find email addresses for Dolphinlady and Piggyscraps....so please email me with your address - you will find my email address just below my blogroll...

Thank you everyone for entering and a BIG thank you for all the lovely comments...
you make my heart happy :)





  1. Congratulations to all of the lucky winners!! Thanks for having a wonderful giveaway.

  2. Sidetracked by Molly's lovely quilt on your flickrstream!

    Cute heart - your own is bigger I feel! Much bigger - thanks for all your loveliness since March 2011 - you have made my day on many occasions! Just thought I'd say it!

  3. Congratulations to the lucky winners!!!

  4. Thanks so much, can't wait to get my thread and try it out!

  5. yay, i can't believe i won something. thnks so much

  6. Congrats to all the winners! Your baskets are adorable.
