Monday, October 17, 2011


This was my ride yesterday!

AWESOME!!!!  Mike and I both had turns as passengers and, l must say, this car draws attention....

Buckle up!!!  

What a way to start the day....
But it can't all be expensive sports cars and thrilling rides.....
I also relaxed a bit with a new magazine and some hand quilting....
I am only able to show a little peek
because this is a secret project....a fun little swap :)

Hope you had a nice weekend!


  1. That's one of smallest peeks I've ever (or not!) seen! The car looks like fun...

  2. are you making the orange boots? :-) is there a new country living out... i get it on my nook and forget to check it sometimes. i see polka dots, so, of course, i already know i like it!

  3. I had to check I was reading the right blog then!!

    Where's the photo of you then??


  4. Well, whose car is it? Would love to see one of these, and ride in it!

    Not much a sneak peek, my dear...

  5. The car looks amazing! ANd the magazine looks a treat too! Secrets, hey! Fun!

  6. what a fun car! how fast did you go? that is a super small peek. cant wait to see more.

  7. Now that's a car my son would approve of! How did you keep to the speed limit Mary! Did you roar!?

    You become more of a tease every day Miss Mary! Didn't your mother tell you it's not nice to tease? Especially when we know it will be something gorgeous! Naughty lady!

  8. Nothing like a little flash in your ride...can't wait to see the secret project...
