Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Good Friend and a Great Shop

I am so fortunate to meet so many wonderful women through the shoppe - that is the shoppe where I work and spend lots of fun time!!!  You thought I was going to say money didn't you?  Well, there is that too :)  

It was through the shoppe that I met Julie.  Julie is a favorite in the shoppe and I am so happy to say, I consider her a friend. 
Julie is a gifted quilter and she makes the most fabulous bags!!!  She is just an all around amazing seamstress!

  You may have visited her blog, Being Me and Sippin' Tea - you really should visit!
Well, Julie is not only talented with needle and thread....but also with a brush and paints!!!  
She makes floorcloths!  In case you don't know what a floorcloth is like a rug but made of canvas and painted.  Very cool!
This talented lady has opened her own Etsy shop to sell some of her stitched goods and her floorcloths!  When she told me she was opening a shop, I thought it would be fun to post a few pictures of her great floorcloths....

flower floorcloth
Great, right?

 flower floorcloth 

I think this polka dot one was meant for me :)

Her Etsy shop is call The Lime Loft.... check it out!

And if you are ever in the shoppe {Sew To Speak} we have an adorable Julie floorcloth right in front of the register area....with polka dots and an owl, of course!
Congrats on your shop Julie!


  1. Must make a point of checking out the floorcloth next time in the shoppe! ;-)) I love spots AND owls! Off to check out Julie's blog!

  2. what a super talented lady! i love the floorcloths! i need some!

  3. Those are very cool!! The polka dots are awesome!

  4. thanks mary! and thanks to everyone who visited my blog & shop!

  5. Love the floor cloths - I thought you were going to show use photos of fancy um, well, floor cloths but ones you use to clean the kitchen floor! (I can't think what else to call them!). Love your crosses quilt!

  6. Amazing floor cloths!! Isn't it fun to have great friends?
