Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Comments Open!

Hi Everyone!  The glitch is fixed and you should not have any problem commenting on the Carolyn's post for the book giveaway!

http://www.carolynforster.co.uk/wordpress/  and scroll down to the post about the blog tour


But hurry, hurry!  The tour will be over soon!

P.S.  I am trying to answer all comments left on my posts, but I am at the hospital most of the day so please excuse me if you do not hear back immediately.  I will do the best I can do :)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Utility Quilting....Lovely Quilting!

Well, it is no secret that I LOVE hand quilting!   And hand quilting (or pick stitching) with perle cotton is my all time favorite form of quilting.  
Carolyn Forster asked me to be a part of the Blog Tour for her new book and I was thrilled!!!
The book, Utility Quilting is a must have for anyone who would like to learn to hand quilt with perle cotton....OR....for those who love to hand quilt and are looking for new ideas.

I adore this book!  There are several great stitches that can be used to finish a quilt.  One of my favorites is Crows Footing {even the name is fun} and then there are the little X's in the Running Cross Stitch!  So Cute!!!
One of my pet peeves with quilting books is that they don't really explain both in words and pictures the complete process of quilting...
Not so with Utility Quilting!
You will find complete instructions from gathering the tools to making the templates to laying down the stitches.

I decided for my part in the blog hop, I would quilt my Anthro-knock off Triangle Quilt - following Carolyn's instructions.
I did somersaults when I saw Carolyn includes instructions for making a Mennonite Fan template!!!
So I chose the Mennonite Fan as my quilting design....
and followed her instructions to make my template.


Then I transferred my design to my quilt using Bohnin chalk pencils.

Aurifil Wool Thread was my thread of choice for this quilt.

Utility Quilting offers recommendations regarding stitching supplies... as well as tips for starting and ending your stitches....basting and binding.  Even complete instructions for several quilts!

The Mennonite Fan design for this quilt just ripples across the quilt.  For the top border I used a technique Carolyn calls thumb quilting.  I simply echoed the fan design using my thumb as the a measuring tool.
I love the look of these fans stitched in wool!  The back of my quilt is Essex linen and I think it shows off the design so nicely....

A sea of Mennonite Fans.....with a little thumb quilting thrown in....what could be better?

Well, maybe winning a copy of Utility Quilting for yourself would be better!  Pop over to Carolyn's blog and comment....you may win a book and some other fun stuff as well!!!  Yay! 

Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes for my mom.  I appreciate every single positive thought....keep 'em coming!!!!
big hugs,

Saturday, February 25, 2012

You Are My Sunshine......

Pinned Image

Please check back on Monday....I will have a review for a fabulous new book.  You don't want to miss it!
My mom needs me right now, please forgive me for my absence.
mary :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Pinned Image

Sorry, I have been gone...I will be back....but need some time for more important things.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Love.....

It was this day 22 years ago that a very special little girl came into our lives....
we welcomed, our second daughter, sweet Maggie into the world....
Happy Birthday, Maggie!

I had three girls in about 3 1/2 years.....it was a lot of fun!  They are wonderful friends and have a lot of fun together.  I do miss the endless hours of Barbie! 
And for some quilty LOVE....
I want to share with you some pictures from our quilt class last night....
the quilts are simply amazing works in progress!
What a talented bunch!

 How adorable is this Penguin and Fish fabric!  Rita's quilt is on-point with lots of bright color and spots!!!

Jennifer is working on a wonderful log cabin!  Very sophisticated and perfect as a wall hanging for her home. 

Jenny is working on a bow-tie quilt....just fantastic....even a mini!!!

Next up....

Felisha's wonky log cabin!  No borders yet in this pic, but this is for a new big girl bed!
Isn't it sweet?

Peggy was working on her quilt when I took the picture, but you can see what a vibrant quilt this will be.  And to top it off she will be trimming it in a border of red corduroy!  How perfect is that?
It warms my heart that they have all decided to hand quilt their quilts - so in a couple of weeks I will bring you a new set of quilted pictures!

Happy Valentines Day!


Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday Makes....

The Spiderweb is in the hoop and I quilted while watching the Grammy's last night!  Love hand quilting!  I am using a nice dark blue perle cotton from Valdani.....my all time favorite perle cotton thread.

And this morning I began a new quilt - a sample for the shoppe.

It is one of Denyse Schmidts new quilt patterns....Point Me.

I was tempted to wait for Flea Market Fancy....but I couldn't wait....

And, finally, I am so pleased to announce the winner of the Fugly Fabric Giveaway....
Molly was given the task of choosing a number

And so.....
The winner is.....

Zoe from Sydney, Australia!!!
I will be sending you an email Zoe to get your mailing address :)

Thank you Lucy for hosting such a fun giveaway!
Happy Monday!

Friday, February 10, 2012


I have had a couple of folks ask me, "How will you put your Rose and Star blocks together" or "what color will you use in the spaces between your Rose and Star blocks".

Good question....I have wondered the same thing.

I have considered a printed fabric....would it be too busy?

There is a hexagon in the space surrounded by pentagons {is that right, clare?}

my gift from Clare :)

What if I made the hexagon from a unifying printed fabric and the other pieces a solid?

These are the things that keep me awake at night....sad isn't it?
Any suggestions?  Any thoughts?

Another thing that should keep any sane person awake at night is all the Fugly going on over at Lucy's Fugly Fabric Party

Charm About You

It really is enough to make grown women {and men} weep!
In fact, I am linking up with Kris from Duke Says Sew What 
Kris has a plethora of Fugly fabric to giveaway!!!
And while your there you can enjoy her wonderful creations....including her value quilt.
plus you must have a peek {or two} at Duke....so cute.

Two posts in one day!!!  Woot!

Spidey Mayhem!

Whew!  This seemed like a forever project....but the top is together....

This is Kathy Doughty's pattern from Material Obsession 2.  Although, I used the Marti Michell kite template which translated into smaller blocks than the Material Obsession quilt.

Even so...it is a healthy twin bed size.

Shortly after piecing the webs together I dismissed any notion of getting the strips to line up perfectly....who needs perfection?  I love the free-spirited nature of this quilt. 

However, I did pay attention to the points in the stars so I didn't lose the spiderweb shape in the end. 

This one is for Maggie....Scrumptious Scrappy Fun!

 Now to baste and hand quilt.  I am considering something a little different in the quilting of this one.  So many seams!  Stay tuned....
And to help me - just in time - I received my giveaway win from Kelly at Pinkadot Quilts!!!

I can't wait to test out these pens for marking.  I have heard so much about them.  The little piece of fabric is just precious and the candy bar.....yum!  It was just the right touch!

Have a wonderful weekend!

happy friday
mary {and flanders}

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Almost Wordless Wednesday.....

Rose and Star - blocks 8 and 9

possibly my new favorite :)

the party continues.....

it is never too late to join in the fun....

just pop over to Clare's place at Selfsown and check out the Flickr group 

Winter has arrived in my neck of the woods....pretty....

happy wednesday!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Good, The Bad and The Fugly

Well, if you haven't heard ...Lucy is having a rather unattractive party!!!  In fact, it is downright FUGLY!!!!

The idea is simple....go through your stash and find fabric you wonder why you purchased.  It just isn't you....it doesn't work with anything....you are sure you will never use it.....
So get rid of it....someone will love it {maybe}
Post about it, link up and shake that ugly fugly fabric from your stash!!!

Charm About You

Here is my contribution to the cause.  I hate to say it is Fugly because it is someone's work and actually it is not hideous.  I just know I won't use it.  I have had it for several years and haven't even been tempted to cut into it even once.

This is Targets by Kaffe Fasset....there is a full yard.
And just to add a little sweetness to the pot....I am throwing in a charm pack of Etchings by 3 Sisters for Moda.

There are some very nice prints in this collection...

even some text.....

There will be two opportunities to win this giveaway.

1.  leave a comment and tell me your all time favorite fabric line or favorite designer
 2.  leave another comment and tell me that you are a follower of Molly Flanders blog for a second chance to win

I will randomly choose a winner on Monday Feb 13th. at 8:00 am.  Please make sure I have your email....if you are a No-Reply Blogger I will need your email address within the comment.

So good luck and check out all the other Fugly going on at Lucy's :)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Silent Mary.....

Sorry I have been so quiet lately.  Life.

This little guy sits in my garden outside my kitchen window.  He and his buddies pop up and down in the bushes like a 'Whack-a-Mole' game.  It is fun to watch.  Sometimes he gets very brave and sits on the window sill - with just the pane of glass separating us.  He probably wonders why I sit there sewing everyday....he wouldn't be the only one! LOL!

And these are my daffodils poking out of the ground....way too early for Spring flowers.
But just so you know I haven't been a complete bum....
you can visit me at www.sewtospeak.blogspot.com

I had the opportunity to decorate the shoppe window for Valentines Day!  I used a great tutorial from Lucykate Crafts blog to create Valentines Day envelopes for the window.  They are hanging in the window from Rik-Rak and tucked inside are stamped notes with loving Valentine sentiments.

So pop over to Sew To Speak and check it out...you may want to make one for your own honey!!!  And visit Lucykate Crafts....she has a very inspiring blog.
Hopefully, life will get a little more normal around here.
Happy Sunday Evening!  If you are a Superbowl person - I hope your team wins!