Friday, February 10, 2012


I have had a couple of folks ask me, "How will you put your Rose and Star blocks together" or "what color will you use in the spaces between your Rose and Star blocks".

Good question....I have wondered the same thing.

I have considered a printed fabric....would it be too busy?

There is a hexagon in the space surrounded by pentagons {is that right, clare?}

my gift from Clare :)

What if I made the hexagon from a unifying printed fabric and the other pieces a solid?

These are the things that keep me awake at night....sad isn't it?
Any suggestions?  Any thoughts?

Another thing that should keep any sane person awake at night is all the Fugly going on over at Lucy's Fugly Fabric Party

Charm About You

It really is enough to make grown women {and men} weep!
In fact, I am linking up with Kris from Duke Says Sew What 
Kris has a plethora of Fugly fabric to giveaway!!!
And while your there you can enjoy her wonderful creations....including her value quilt.
plus you must have a peek {or two} at cute.

Two posts in one day!!!  Woot!


  1. I like the idea of a unifying print for the hexagons and solids for the rest. I am adding background pieces around each rose/star so that each block becomes a hexagon in itself - it's a bit different from the way Clare did it. The background for each star block will be a different colour. I've completed the background for one star block (no pics yet) and almost finished another. I figure I should go back and put the backgrounds on before I make any more rose/stars or it will be one of those tedious jobs I will procrastinate forever on!

  2. I like the idea of a unifying print for the hexagons and solids for the rest. I am adding background pieces around each rose/star so that each block becomes a hexagon in itself - it's a bit different from the way Clare did it. The background for each star block will be a different colour. I've completed the background for one star block (no pics yet) and almost finished another. I figure I should go back and put the backgrounds on before I make any more rose/stars or it will be one of those tedious jobs I will procrastinate forever on!

  3. what about using 2 colors of solids/ darker, one lighter for the background. if it was grey, you could use a light grey for the outer pieces and a darker grey for the hexagon? i just think it shouldn't be too busy because the rose stars are so gorgeously scrappy...anything more would take away from them.

  4. i trust that you'll choose the best option, because it seems like your fabric choices are always perfection! i wonder how it would look with a brighter solid background?

  5. I like the suggestions already made. Or how about a black with white microdot? Its a tricky one as you've used most colours in your blocks.. I know you'll come up with something that will be perfect!

  6. I am sure whatever you'll decide will be wonderful. I second using solids or a b&w dot. Using sth different for the hexagons and pentagons could be interesting, if you don't mind the new "secondary pattern" this would create.
    But hey, it is much better to lay awake about this at night than about other worries. :)

  7. I just spent over an hour choosing a background fabric for my "Stars in Your Eyes" quilt! I wanted spots but you, Mary , would know how many different spots there are out there!!! I think Lesly's suggestion is like the MO pattern that I am doing, but a lot more work at this stage! I think if you could find a fabric with some negative space around it, to fussy cut for the hexagon, would look stunning! (But that's from someone who takes an hour to choose a spot!!!)

  8. I'm copping out in a major way and using plain white as my background. Pathetic, but true!

  9. hey M.
    The adjoining pieces are just the same templates as for the star rose, they still create hexagons, I think my quilting makes it look like a pentagon shape?

    I would go for white, but thats just me!!

  10. That is not sad. :0) In my opinion a solid would really set off your gorgeous blocks. I am partial to white. I cant wait to see what you will decide. :0)

  11. Being a lurker of your blog, coming out of hiding,
    I vote for a solid background, because that's my style. But I trust that whatever you do will be great because your projects are always fabulous.

  12. Just started following your blog because I can't wait to see how this quilt turns out! Just to go against the grain, I'm gonna say I LOVED the strawberry print you have in one of these pictures. So I vote for it. Or, a small polka dot on white. I, too, trust your choice will blow us all away.

  13. Thanks for the shout out, hope I'm not keeping you up!! ;)
    I'm not too sure about the background although I know I want to use Oakshott cotton. I've ordered a little bit of it just to see how it looks but I've heard great things. I think I'm going to go with a plain solid because I want the fabrics I love in the blocks to stand out. Love your idea though, different solid colours in the middle would look cool too. There's so many options!!

  14. I think the background should be a solid light color - like ash maybe? or Snow? Anything that doesn't detract from those amazing blocks!

  15. I like your idea of a different solid for the pentagon in the centre of the background - how about a tiny black and white dot?

  16. Looks will be fun to watch you audition for the background. I like the idea of the unifying hexie in a print...have fun!

  17. I agree with Racheldaisy. A black with tiny dot. And I would only use the one fabric, not something different for the pentagons. These really are amazing blocks.

  18. Thank you for the shout out! You are sweet to mention my blog and Duke, who is snoring on the couch as I write this. After reading all the comments I am totally confused and have no idea what you should do! Everyone made such great suggestions. I would say something subdued that makes your pretty rose stars stand out.

  19. I would also vote for solid background but then that's probably my style and I have no doubt that whatever you pick will look fabulous (you have much more experience of this kind of colour/print matching than I do!). I do love these blocks, the retro feel of the prints and colours really appeal to me. Can't wait to see it finished. Beth (the linen cat)x
