Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Holy Sha-moly!!!!

Thanks to friend and fellow blogger, Susan of PatchworknPlay, I was alerted of a blog post about our little shoppe....Sew To Speak!
It looks like Bonnie Hunter stopped by our shoppe!!!  Grrrrr....and I wasn't there!

But you can read all about it here...
and see where I keep a few of my quilts and pillows :) 
Thanks Susan!


  1. absolute pleasure! All your quilts are SO beautiful and they deserve to be seen by as many people as possible!

  2. É verdade acabei de ver e deixar um comentário para BONNIE.Me tornei seguidora do blog da loja e me emocionei.Eu sempre sonhei com uma loja exatamente igual aquela,um doce,limpa,colorida sem gritar.Você tem sorte de trabalhar lá.Engraçado como as coisas acontecem,eu te sigo já algum tempo e não sabia disso ou prestei atenção em outra coisa.Abraços.

  3. Yeah Mary it is lovely to see where you work - how about some shots of the shop with you in it now??

  4. How wonderful! I read cool that she did a blog post!

  5. Too bad Bonnie missed out on seeing you ;(
    It looks like a lovely store, and I loved to see your pretty quits in there.
    ; )

  6. Suz sure knows what's happening around town!! I'm racing straight over to check it out.. vroooomm!!

  7. Darn, what a shame you missed her but so cool that she was shopping there and checking everything out.
