Monday, July 16, 2012

Jack of a different stripe....

Recently {in the shoppe} we received a very cute selection of London fabrics from Dear Stella...

So I had to use them in a new Union Jack sample....

Perfect fabric for....

A raw edge Union Jack Pillow!


  1. Hugs to you Mary, I know what you mean about needing the smell of someone you have lost, I recently came across a silk scarf that belonged to my Grandma and it still smelled like her. It was like I was transported back in time!
    The fabric is great. Take good care of yourself, Ada :)

  2. Mary, that Union Jack pillow is just so adorable! Love those fabrics! Perfect, just perfect!!!

  3. very cute and perfect with umbrellas as its not stopped raining here for what seems like months!

  4. That's great fabric- not one I have seen before! And perfect for this pillow! Did you have another purpose for this originally??? ☺

  5. love this. Even your raw edge is neater than my turned.

  6. Now there's a good idea! Might try a raw edge one myself, one of these days.

  7. i love raw edge. it is so fast and it looks amazing!

  8. Cute, cute, cute! Your little Shoppe has a great selection of fabric, Mary.

  9. Love that pattern! I see a Union Jack pillow in my future. and the rainy umbrella fabric is perfect for it!

  10. I love how it turned out!

  11. well hey, that's cute! my parent's have some art hanging in their living room that looks like that umbrella print. too sweet.

  12. I love your Union Jack pillows!! This one is gorgeous in the Dear Stella fabrics. I really love that print of 2 people under an umbrella together.

  13. Oh Mary, I'm giving up sewing and I'm just going to read your blog lol!!!

    I've lost my mojo..I think it will return when the builders leave O_O

    Dust and noise are not conjuiceve (spelling!) to being crafty!

    I love your cushion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. This is so so cute! I especially love the fabric!

  15. The umbrella print is so UK just now but they also need wellies! Fed up with this wet summer!

    But what is that ? A ray of sunshine - I'd better get out there quick!

  16. Just when I thought I would be able to be untempted by this fabric, you had to go and make this adorable Union Jack. Really, Mary, what were you thinking? This is SO cute!

  17. Love your blog Mary - I've just found it via Pinterest. Am just having a look around but your projects are all absolutely gorgeous :)

  18. This is simply fabulous and it inspires me to go to my workroom directly. Feel like sewing such a cushion too. Thanks for sharing!Greetings from Germany

  19. l o v e !
    gorgeous choice of fabric
    certainly the most beautful Union Jack I've seen so far !!

  20. too bad your shop is not closer, i would have bought a few pieces for when my 2yo bad-luck sewing machine is back home...
