Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Things have been a bit quiet on Molly Flanders...
I have been working on a couple of special projects.

Hopefully this will come together the way it looks in my head...and then I can give you all the exciting details...

I could eat Essex Linen for breakfast, lunch and dinner!!!  I love working with it and I LOVE stitching on it!

So my other fun project that has kept my hands stitching away...
is the quilt for Molly and Kyle.

 I feel fairly safe showing this to you....Molly doesn't pay much attention to my blog lately....a little preoccupied - me thinks :)

Happy Tuesday!  


  1. Hi Mary, everything you do is fantastic, if I can be half as good I'd be happy! Ada :)

  2. Oh......this is going to be good!!!!!! I love appliqué !!!

  3. Absolutely special! Just when you think you've seen the best - it just gets better!

  4. so exciting!!! The sewing looks amazing! I love seeing your projects in progress :)

  5. It is all beautiful. Your work is so distinct and wonderful. I read your blog on Google reader and if I scroll too far and miss reading the header, I always know it is you by your pictures.

  6. So. So. Nice.
    All of it!!

  7. Oh, those flying geese are wonderful! And the green perle thread! I must get my hands on some Essex linen! It looks amazing! Your work is so distinctive and inspiring! And you are over 1000 followers!!! Well done!

  8. Love the geese...Molly's quilt is beautiful!

  9. wow, both of these projects look gorgeous!!!!!totally amazing! I love seeing all your little snippets of work.

  10. Hi Mary.
    I just love seeing what you are up to.
    Your stitches slay me everytime. :0)
    How exciting to create for a soon to be
    bride and groom! :0)
    Have a great week. Hugs.

  11. Hi Mary.
    I just love seeing what you are up to.
    Your stitches slay me everytime. :0)
    How exciting to create for a soon to be
    bride and groom! :0)
    Have a great week. Hugs.

  12. You are going to make some sweethearts very happy.....I always, always love what you are making, mary!

  13. Wonderful sneaky peeks!!! I always love your fabric choices!

  14. mary, i love this so much! that little elephant is so adorable! and molly and kyle's quilt, LOVE it! so, does the quilt shop you work at have that seed fabric in black with white lettering? please tell me yes! please please please!

  15. The suspense is killing me! I love fabric with text on it. Congrats on over 1000 followers : )

  16. I love the stitching!


  17. Hi, Mary. I just wanted to congratulate you on your milestone, but comments were already disabled due to the giveaway. Congrats! Your blog is a warm and wonderful place for me to spend some time. I love using perle cotton for hand quilting. Wish I had more time to do it.
