Monday, October 22, 2012

Building Steps

If you followed my last post you know I used freezer paper to piece a courthouse steps block....
here is a wee review and a peek at the way these blocks fit together...
When working on the second block you will always want to repeat one of the fabrics from the first block... 

Again, I traced my template onto a piece of freezer paper {the paper side} I have numbered the order for piecing...

Score the lines with the back of your seam ripper to make it easier to fold back at the line...

Begin with your center square {1" X 1"} placed over the back side of the square labeled 1{wrong side of fabric to the waxy side of the template} ...

press in place with a hot dry iron...
fold back on the line between 1 and 2.

Place your acrylic ruler on top of the folded paper and trim so that you leave a quarter inch seam allowance....

place the fabric for step 2, right sides facing and raw edges aligned, with the center fabric...

stitch next the fold....finger press and then press with your hot iron.  Be sure every time you press - you are pressing on the paper side so your iron does not stick to the template...

next you will work with the opposite side and repeat the same process...fold, trim, stitch and press...

when you have finished your block you can see how the blocks will come together....

Now, you can see why we repeated one of the fabrics...

blocks will be stitched together with a quarter inch seam allowance...

 I will keep piecing these little courthouse steps and adding to this tutorial....
things change a bit when you get to the second row....

I have also been picking away at the wedding quilt...

I outlined the stems and petals and now
I am quilting a grid pattern in the center section...

hope you had a good weekend!
happy monday!



  1. When I win the lottery, I'm going to one day, do you know that! I'm going to jump on a plane, first class of course, so I can have one of those beds, that way I won't be jet lagged! I'm going to come and be taught how to quilt, from the Quilting Queen! I love those last pictures, beautiful work Mary! Ada :)

  2. gorgeous!!! that quilt is totally beyond amazing! Thanks for more steps for the tutorial.

  3. Thank you - now I understand! So simple but if you don't know you don't know! Your wedding quilt is going to be amazing as the pillow! x Teje

  4. Cute and beautiful!

    I was JUST in Sew to Speak on Thursday to get materials to make a twin pillow!

  5. How do you take photos one handed? hee hee... You already have my adoration, admiration and love!

  6. what a lovely quilt that is going to be!

  7. I LOVE the background fabric in the applique quilt's center panel - what is that fabric?
    Thanks for the courthouse steps tutorial - I have never understood paper piecing like that but it is beginning to make sense!

  8. Lovely quilt!

  9. I'm really enjoying seeing your Courthouse Steps blocks grow step by step. The wedding quilt is so beautiful!

  10. oh i love your courthouse steps blocks, they are so striking! thanks for the tutorial! Will have to give it a go one of these days ;)
    Jessie, xo

  11. Mary, your quilts are lovely! I am missing the step about sewing on the courthouse steps without sewing on the freezer paper. I've always sewn through the paper. It's a great pattern but your fabric combinations just make it!

  12. Thanks for a photo of your numbered template. Now I can move forward with this block. I am loving this tutorial.

  13. Love, love, love this tutorial, and the wedding quilt is to die for! Thank you for sharing!
