Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Season of Buttons

Merry Christmas!
I have been a bit MIA this season....I think I have achieved a personal best - only three posts in the month of December - so far!  My New Year's Resolution shall be to do much better...more posts that is ;)

But luckily a couple of Bloggy friends did not forget that I am still here - even if I have been a bit quiet...

My Christmas tree was exploding with color with this special bag sitting underneath...

Just the bag was enough to get me excited! I am so lucky that I have people who think of me when visiting Liberty! And inside I found the most precious Liberty notion...

A jar full of buttons with a pincushion clever!

Thank you Clare for thinking of me this Christmas! You are truly one of Santa's most gifted elves...
tucked inside the bag was a sweet little crochet star...

and there was a package of yummy candy, but that hardly made it to Ohio before it was gobbled up! 

Clare, you helped make my Christmas very Merry and Bright!

And from a land far away, another package landed on my doorstep. A dear friend who has helped me in a difficult year...

I love getting packages from Susan! I always know there is something very special inside...

A fabulous cushion cover! Perfectly pieced and hand stitched!  How special....I am so lucky!

And if the design, the stitching and the fabrics are not enough...nestled in the center is a group of lovely buttons....
'tis the season of buttons!

Thank you dear friends :)

Since the hustle and bustle of Christmas has calmed a bit, I found the time to do a bit of applique...

The Flowering Vine!
More to come...
Merry Christmas




  1. Love a bit of Liberty! How fabulous is that pincushion lid!! ( sidekick! LOL!) Your applique is looking wonderful!

  2. Hi Mary - Merry Christmas! What special gifts you received...hope your new year brings you blessings and peace.

  3. Very sweet gifts Mary. A happy and peaceful new year to you!

  4. Those are such lovely presents as is the applique. I wish you the best for the coming new year.

  5. Seasons greetings! Such beautiful and thoughtful gifts! One of my favourite things of all time is jars of buttons.

  6. Those Liberty jars are fab aren't they! Such a sweet little bird too! Look forward to seeing more of you again! :) x

  7. We all need down time : ) looking forward to future posts.
    Happy new year

  8. So glad you had a lovely Christmas Mary! I've just recieved your gifts which are so wonderful!!!!!!
