Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wordless Wednesday...

2 weeks until Spring...

a banner for the CARD Table...

mid-century modern bee....low volume....



  1. Oh my goodness! Your low volume block is beautiful- really beautiful!!! You have some wonderful fabrics in your stash Mary! And the snow!!!! I trust Spring is just around the corner!

  2. We are about to get more snow here in Maine but not that much. I love snow and wouldn't mind more. Your banner and block are so gorgeous. Your little peaks of your projects always make me want to see more :)

  3. I love your Low Volume and the snow is really pretty!
    Hugs - Lurline.

  4. I am loving all your beautiful preparations for the wedding. Your work is incredible....can't wait to see the banner.

  5. Love the low volume Mary. I've been 'pinning' quite a bit of those lately!

  6. Those snow pictures are gorgeous, but I know you are probably getting tired of actually maneuvering through it all. Beautiful hand stitching, and your low volume block is beautiful.

  7. Snow.....I still love it !!! I also love everything you do!!!

  8. Your LV block is so dreamy!! Such beautiful photos of the snow. The card table banner peeks are wonderful too, how special to be able to make such beautiful things for your daughters wedding.

  9. oh I adore the LV block!! Thank you so much - it's perfect!

  10. it looks very cold where you are, I must not complain.Unusual fabric in your low volume, love it must find a really good patchwork shop and see what I have been missing.

  11. Yikes-snow, come on spring, what are you playing at! Lovely bit of stitching though! :) x

  12. The snow looks beautiful although I bet you've had enough. Our Autum started officially last weekend so I thought you'd be in spring too.
    Gosh your low volume looks gorgeous, I love it.

  13. Oh dear I hope we dont get any more snow....beautiful embroidery though :)

  14. beautiful!!! love your low volume block.

  15. Loving your quality not quantity posts! Cannot believe that snow, I was gardening on Tuesday!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This might be a strange question, but who publishes that copy of Jane Eyre? I collect different versions and that cover is adorable!

  18. Do I happen to see two of my favorite books there? I am currently reading Jane Eyre for the upteenth time! I love your low volume block!!

  19. Hi Mary, I love the look of the banner, for the card table and the book covers are very pretty (as well as being great reads). Wow to the snow, we've been having a brief window of spring-like sunshine, but sadly we have snow forecast for the weekend. It wont be nearly as pretty as yours, more like grey slush. Probably. Bethx (thelinencat)

  20. Oh my that is a huge amount of snow Mary!

    The banner is lovely and so is the block! Just as well there is stitching to do!

  21. Tons of snow! Your block for Debbie is gorgeous ; )

  22. Looks so nice! I love them! :)
    Thank you so much for your lovely blog!
    Hugs, Ulla
    Ulla's Quilt World

  23. mary! everything is coming together for the wedding! beautiful. and here we are today with it snowing again. at least we had an amazing weekend. the spring weather will return... soon, i hope!
