Friday, May 17, 2013

Simple Lessons....

I spent yesterday preparing for a class...but set some time aside to play with a few traditional blocks....

A Schoolhouse Block....

years ago I made a couple of schoolhouse quilts....gave one away and the other we used.  In fact, it is the only quilt we used until it was literally threads and batting!  

I like this is not pieced with small triangles...rather uses Y-seams.  Gives it a clean simple look.
Clare of Selfsewn sent a lovely wreath of hexies for the newlyweds! So lovely!  This was waiting for them when they returned home from Ireland and they were thrilled!  I can't wait to see it in their new home together.  Do you remember your first place as a newlywed? 

Yay!  It's Friday!


  1. I love schoolhouse blocks - every year I tell myself I'll make a quilt from them...and then other stuff gets put to the top of the list and I don't manage it.

    (ps it was lovely to talk to you briefly the other weekend xxx)

  2. Great little house, and what a lovely present from Claire! :) x

  3. What a nice post, Mary, especially the little wreath - how thoughtful! and, yes, I DO remember our first apartment when first we were married, almost 33 years ago! Such sweet memories. I love your little schoolhouse - and the dish towel it's sitting on? I have the same one - a splurge at Anthropologie! Love it!

  4. I love schoolhouse blocks! Yours is brilliant with the y seams, it does give a cleaner look. And that shade if green is beautiful. The hexagon wreath is such a sweet gift!!

  5. A schoolhouse block is one of my all-time favourites! That green is so beautiful! And Clare's hexie wreathe- so, so sweet! And so "Clare"!!!

  6. The schoolhouse block is great...I love the clean lines when made with Y seams. Love the hexies!

  7. I love the hexagon wreath. What a clever idea!

  8. Love that little schoolhouse - always appealing!

  9. Love schoolhouse blocks! I have a UFO waiting for me to do some more blocks in fact!

    Clare's wreath is such a great welcome home gift!

  10. I love the schoolhouse block, this shade of green and those y-seams really do it justice. And Clare is so thoughtful! I adore her "selfsewn" style :D

  11. I'm sorry that I missed out on your posts but I've had a big catch up now, especially about the wedding. Love the little green school house.

  12. great little school house, must track down the instructions for this block as I would love to make some.
    Also like the hexagons, find these so relaxing to do

  13. Eek, I think the Y-seams just frightened me away. And what a little treasure that wreath is.
