Monday, July 29, 2013


Still no computer...I have almost given up hope.

But just so you know I am still here....a few peeks at what I have been up to!

 pincushion from Patchwork Please!

   Still plugging away at my Liberty Hexies!  I need to order some more Liberty....oh whaaaaaa! LOL!

And I have been embroidering a label for a baby boy....who will make his appearance the end of next month or beginning of September....

 More on this special gift later this week...

 And, finally, I have decided to unpick what I have completed on my spools quilt and re-do the free motion...

I am liking the pebble quilting much better...
happy monday!


  1. Ooh you have just reminded me - I cut a stack of Liberty hexies out but I still have them! oops!

    Remind me of your address and I'll send them on!

    Sorry Mary!

  2. Love the little pin cushion, and those hexies! :) x

  3. My, you have been busy! The baby quilt is going to be adorable- I can just tell!

  4. Everything is absolutely gorgeous in that special Molly Flanders way!

  5. Love all your snippets....the embroidery. Is gorgeous!

  6. you have been busy, unpicking is no fun, why does it take so much longer to do than the stitching!! the pebbles do look good.

  7. Love that pincushion! You have been busy with your usual lovely things. I'll look forward to the baby quilt reveal.

  8. Everything you do is lovely. The pebbles are very neat. Take it from me, I know. And your pincushion is to die for.

  9. What could be taking so long with your computer?! That's just craziness! Beautiful stuff, as always!

  10. I love your liberty hexies. And I can't wait to see more of the baby gift. What I can see is so adorable.

  11. there is nothing like a little hand stitching, love your lawn hexagons!

  12. Very nice mug :)
    Pebble quilting looks good. I am learning now free motion quilting. Is not so "free"... :)

  13. You've been staying out of trouble, making some sweet stuff! I adore your pincushion. I've made one of those, too, and need to make more. Adorable!

  14. The pebbles look great. I still haven't done pebbles on a bigger quilt yet. And your pin cushion is very sweet.

  15. Perhaps we need to visit London and get more Liberty hexes? ;)

  16. Unknown....if this is Sara....and I think it is....YES! Lets go!

  17. I don't envy you unpicking the quilting, but I know that you will be happy every time you see the finished project!!
