Saturday, May 10, 2014

A Giveaway is Coming!

That's right! Monday is my day on the Arizona blog tour! I will be sharing my makes for Quilt Market....

and that means you will have a chance to win a bundle of Arizona...a Limited Edition of Art Gallery Fabrics by April Rhodes!
So be sure to stop by on Monday!

Have a lovely Mother's Day weekend!
xo mary 


  1. Have yourself a lovely weekend as well. Put your feet up
    : )

  2. Hope your market sewing is finished and you can relax and enjoy Mother's Day Mary!

  3. Loving the peeks you're showing, wishing you a lovely Mother's Day Mary.

  4. Obviously a giveaway is always fun but I am desperate to see what you've made!! Can't wait :) Have a lovely weekend x

  5. Take it easy! It's going to be a big week for you!
