
Thursday, May 15, 2014

We Have a Winner!

The winner of the Arizona bundle....

a number randomly selected by 'The Boy'

# 25 Patti!!!!

Patti...I am sending you an email to get your mailing address!!! Yay!

I will be gone for the weekend.  Cuz, this little Piggy is going to Market!!!

I hope to come back full of inspiration!  I will be sure to give you a complete review.

Congrats, Patti!
xo mary


  1. Market--how fun! Market is always so exciting!

  2. Congradulations Patti, you are going to have so much fun creating something, I just know it.
    To market to market.

  3. Congratulations to Patti!! Mary, your Arizona quilt and Leghorn pillows are wonderful!!! They'll be much admired at Market !!! Have a fun time.
