Monday, December 22, 2014

Fabulous Felt!

Now that the handmade gifts are taken care of, I have been having some relaxing fun with wool felt.  

I love working with felt. No need to worry about finishing seams or leaving raw edges...

And the color is amazing!  Saturated color!
By far, my favorite felt is 100% wool!!!  Not a blend of wool and rayon.  The blend is much cheaper, but not as lovely in appearance or quality.

So, here is a last minute idea as you wrap up those last few presents or put together a plate of goodies.
Add a homemade tag/ornament! Easy to do with wool felt!

I simply drew a heart template on freezer paper.  Pressed my heart to felt and cut around with pinking shears!

I added a tree trunk with brown felt and stitched in place...then using perle cotton or embroidery floss stitch some branches!

Cut another heart for the back of the tag, and stitch the two together (wrong sides facing) with floss or perle cotton.  I caught the tails of my loop with my stitching.  Leave an opening and stuff with poly-fill or scraps of batting. 

Simple and quick!

Not only does it jazz up a package, but it is a great keepsake that can be hung on the tree!

We are on the homestretch!  Are you all ready?

ho ho ho


  1. I think I'll get there in the end! Love you decoration - so very cute and it doesn't just have yo be for Christmas does it. Think I'd have it up all year round

  2. This heart is so sweet! The colour is so Summery too- perfect!

  3. That is such a gorgeous heart and a special addition to a gift. Your embroidery is so pretty.

  4. Great idea! Yours is so fresh and pretty, as is all of your work. Love those modern red and white trees on the last post too. Happy holidays!

  5. you certainly make nice felt pieces like you I love perle threads but rarely use stranded cotton, time I passed mine on to someone who would make use of them

  6. Beautiful! Where do you get your wool felt?

  7. It's gorgeous to work with. Love your work

  8. The pretty tree embroidery looks more complicated than you are letting on! Lovely!
    I am ready. It is already Christmas morning here, but I still have time to sit and read with a cup of tea before finishing the salads and greeting the family as they arrive.
