Sunday, January 25, 2015

Hello, Is It Me You're Looking For?

Do you ever get so busy or distracted with other things in life that your sewing machine collects a thin layer of dust?  I mean that figuratively, of course. You all have a cute homemade cover for your machine!  

Well, I have had a rather stitch-less couple of weeks.

I did manage a little hand stitching!  My MCMB block for Elizabeth.  Now to get it in the mail!  

I have really enjoyed using the Lighthearted collection of fabrics designed by Ayumi!  These will be available at Sunny Day Supply later this month/beginning of February. I do hope Ayumi will be designing more fabric.  I just can't get enough of these bright happy prints.

I enlarged templates from 318 Patchwork to make this block. Not only does this book have fablulous paper piecing patterns, but many precious applique patterns.


While I have been enjoying another season of Downton Abbey...I have been quilting this bow tie quilt.

It's a great block for hand quilting.  Bold stitching with black and red/orange Valdani perle cotton, makes the bow ties just pop!

And, I have to say, wool batting is so much fun to hand quilt!

Hope your machine is getting a work-out these machine will be so jealous!

happy sunday!


  1. Beautiful quilt.....wishing you many hours of sewing time in the coming weeks! :) xxx

  2. My machine is gathering dust too, I think I've forgotten how to use it. Your flower block is so pretty, and your bow ties would be a delight to quilt, especially whilst watching Downton Abbey.

  3. Such pretty work! I had to laugh because my machine is literally covered in dust despite the fact I made myself a cover ages ago!! Must remember to actually use it ;) xx

  4. Inactivity throughout January seems to be a widespread phenomenon. I have kids school holidays to blame... although spending copious hours reading is not conducive to getting sewing finished. Having said that, loving what you have accomplished! And no, I have no cute machine cover, and lots of dust :o)

  5. I love the way you've handquilted this and must try my hand at that. I'm trying to finish up to quilts from 2014 and not letting myself move on until I do.

  6. Here in Australia December is when we have our summer holidays and when us quilters all madly catch up with our UFQs (unfinished quilts). During these holidays I've been madly prepping future quilts for hand applique.

    I am also hand quilting a clamshell quilt and fighting with the needle, thread, batting..... and not enjoying. So thanks for the tips here - my mistake of using cotton batting - it is not good for hand quilting and also thanks for the tip on needles (on IG) - i will look into buying some of these.

  7. Thanks for tipping us off about the fabric and the book. I'll have to check them out!

  8. I don't have a home-made cover for my machine, or even a shop-bought one! I do have a Japanese copy of 318 Patchwork Patterns, however, so there is joy in my life. :)

  9. Cute cute block. I need to mail my block too. I treasure the appliqué basket you made for my quilt : )

  10. Delightful flowers and a scrumptious bow tie quilt too
