Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Baby It's Cold......Inside!

Not much to show I have spent most of the day trying to thaw out my fingers!
We lost our power yesterday...remember that picture of my lilac tree....hmmm....apparently ice doesn't mix well with power lines.  We were amazed at the "lightning" we were seeing in the sky last night....found out today that wasn't lightning but it was power lines or transformers or something -  exploding.
So today I tried to do a little quilting, but even my sweet gloves knitted by the talented Janelle did not keep me neighbor brought me hot coffee because I hadn't had a shower and I looked like a crazy bag lady.  
Finally, I gave in and with two sweatshirts, two pairs of socks, a scarf and my pup....I shivered under layers of blankets.  
Just as I was fading....ok maybe that is a little dramatic...the power was restored!  Yee-haw!! is an old flour sifter I snatched while at an Antique Mall this weekend....
I love the graphics!  I bet this mom has never spent a day shivering and cursing at the power company and the weather....she just bakes pies....and wears cute aprons!
Have a warm night ;)


  1. Mary, What a great find! :O) I love finding vintage kitchen items...well almost anything vintage to be honest.

    Sorry about the weather at your house. It took me 45min tonight to de-ice my car...I haven't been out since Monday. UGH! We didn't lose power, but we have a small leak in our roof...

    Stay warm!

  2. Cute find! Where is your favorite vintage shoping spot :) How miserable to loose power in this weather!! It is miserable up here in Sandusky as well!

  3. Oh my goodness! So glad your power is back! We've been lucky enough to have power the whole time, but know many folks haven't been so fortunate!

  4. And her pies were baked in an oven heated with wood which also kept the house warm!
    Love the sifter and hope you are warm now!

  5. Sounds bloomin' cold to me, sorry to read about the power loss, especially after the shot in your last post of the frost (I'm on a blog reading catch-up as I'm a bit behind). Glad it ended on a happy note, I figure you must have some nice quilts to snuggle under? Love the flour sifter. Bethx

  6. Such a cute find!!
    I laughed about cursing the power company! Bless their hearts. They are working like mad I am sure! :o)
    When they came through after Hurricane Katrina, I heard that people came out on the streets and applauded them! :o) We weren't living here yet.
    Sincerely, Trish
    ps. My quilt is done!! I can't wait to post it!! Thank you again (so much) for your instructions on hand stitching. I am already on to another project doing it!! :o) You are such a great inspiration!

  7. glad your electricity came back on and you are thawed out! we didn't get so much of that in pickerington, luckily. love the sifter! also, just finished the baby quilt yesterday. i will post pics later. will you be at the store tomorrow? maybe i will come by and show it off. :-) julie

  8. YaY Julie!
    I will be in the shoppe...come see me! I can't wait to see the quilt! I will check out the blog later as well....have a great weekend.
