Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Treacherous Tuesday!!!!

It is an icy tomb at my house today....I saw my neighbor slide down his driveway...and the little lilac tree outside my window looks like this....

Sooooo....when you can't go out - stay in and bake brownies....

And quilt...

Fun when the back is just as pretty as the front....

Stay warm!


  1. Love the quilting! We are getting that storm tonight and I'm already looking forward to making soup and handquilting. I ordered a set of perle cotton balls and I pray they are waiting on my porch for me when I get home from work.

  2. Brownies and quilting definitely sound like the better options :)

  3. Just stumbled across your blog. I love this quilt. Nothing like cold weather, brownies, and quilting.

  4. Oh!!! I agree with you on ALL accounts! Brownies are my fave, I love to bake on cold, icky days and I often enjoy turning my quilting project over and looking at my stitches from the backside and enjoying the prettiness there, too!!!

  5. It really is a pretty quilt - front and back! I MUST make a pickle dish one day - I even love the name!

  6. Such beautiful quilting on an amazing quilt!

  7. I just love your hand quilting.

  8. Those brownies are so tempting but I'm trying to lose some weight so I must resist.
    I love the blue floral fabric you used for the main fabric in the quilt in the hoop. Do you know the name of the fabric line it came from?

  9. I am really enjoying looking at this quilt. And you are right the back is just as pretty as the front.
