Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ironing out the Details....

I have finished the top of the wedding quilt....
it is pressed and waiting for a bit of basting and quilting...
I must tell you, I love this Bari J. fabric from Art Gallery!
It feels magnificent....
I am so excited to get started quilting this one!


  1. Gorgeous! Can't wait to see it once you've worked your quilting magic.

  2. oh, wow!!! this looks STUNNING!!!! so, so gorgeous, can't wait to see the whole quilt.

  3. whoa! love it...is it a pattern from Material Obsession? i love those little tabs in the border...ive been eyeing those up myself! can't wait to see how you quilt it!!

  4. Lilly Belle does feel magnificent. I really like what you pared with it Mary! Another gorgeous quilt.

  5. From what I can see and with your usual beautiful hand stitching I know it will be spectacular!

  6. that bari j fabric spoke to me more than a fabric has in a long time... i have a measly half-yard (i've been buying small amounts since we're moving to germany in a matter of weeks), but i plan to make good use of it. i just have no idea how yet :D

  7. This is so lovely, Mary. I love the little "tongues" or en francais "Les Langues du Chat" on the side...they will love it...Julierose

  8. Looks beautiful! The edge pieces are to die for!!

  9. Now isn't that just beautiful - congratulations, I can imagine how happy you are!
    Hugs - Lurline.

  10. What a beautiful quilt. Can't wait to see it finished.

  11. Boy is this a beauty!!!! I absolutely love your style!!!

  12. Fabulous, dahling, just fabulous!

  13. Oh Mary it's beautiful :) well done again on one of my patterns! To answer above questions- its called Whirligig and it's in my latest book, Quilting: from little things

    Sarah xx

  14. Oh Mary. this is so glorious I could cry! What a beautiful wedding quilt! And imagine the magic you will create with your hand quilting! ( And you even have the seal of approval from the designer! It obviously came together well!)

  15. It is oh so pretty! Enjoy the quilting...
    ; )

  16. Oh my goodness!! Another amazing beautiful quilt. I love the fabrics that you choose and how they all work so well together. I can't wait to see it once you've quilted it!

  17. Wish I was your daughter hehe!!
    You are going to love every stitch xx

  18. It looks so perfect. I love the fabric you chose.

  19. Oh My! This quilt looks amazing. I love the design the colors, and oh the fabric, so beautiful! Do you have the bari j fabric in your shoppe? I am coming to Columbus for the Country Living Fair and thought about trying to get to your shoppe. Your daughter is going to love the quilt.

  20. It's gorgeous! Those little scallops things on the edge are fabulous!

  21. Wow! It's gorgeous!!! I love the Bari J fabric. I hadn't noticed it around , sometimes you need to see a fabric being used to notice it. You'll enjoy quilting this knowing that it is going to some very special people.

  22. i have recently fallen in love with art gallery fabrics. they are so so so soft and lovely. love them so much and i love this quilt. mary it is absolutely gorgeous! xo

  23. Oh, this wedding quilt is beautiful! I love the fabrics too. I am curious about the background fabric: the white with pale yellow lettering. What line is that from? I did not see it in the Bari J. colletion.
