Wednesday, September 12, 2012


An error of omission....
the very lovely wedding quilt I am working on is indeed Sarah Fielke's Whirligig from her latest book, Quilting: from little things....
I began this process in July...
it has truly been a delight to work on!  I enjoy applique and often forget how much I do love applying those tiny stitches and building something gorgeous layer by layer.
The stillness and quiet of hand work allows my mind to work out issues and most of all, lately, think of my mom.  It has just been 5 months {yesterday}.... my sister and I miss her so very much....
but I am glad to have something peaceful to keep my hands busy...
I am so sorry I did not tag Sarah and the book in my post yesterday, but there will be some big fanfare when this one is complete!
It is intended for a sweet couple who are so excited about a wedding and a celebration!
More to come!



  1. I love the soft look of your applique--I wish I were good at it; whenever I attempt it, I get just so frustrated with the outcome. Not Good!! Enjoy your time--Julierose

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum, it's still early days for you, losing a parent is like losing part of you, just remember the good times. Beautiful work, bet your Mum was so proud of you! Take care, Ada :) x

  3. I am so impressed by the fabrics you chose - especially the background. I don't have that kind of 'eye' to see how those would come together. BTW it's beautiful so far!

  4. I will enjoy this lovely applique vicariously by following along with you. Applique always kind of stresses me out. But this is beautiful and I'm sure the sweet couple will cherish it.

  5. Your applique is gorgeous. I have that book, so must go look...........

  6. I know how you feel about losing your mom. 15 years has lessened the pain of losing my own, but i still miss her so often.
    You have such a knack for choosing colors and prints. All your projects appeal to me. Beautiful as always. This will be amazing!

  7. Beautiful! Thanks so much for the info, too--I just ordered my book. Woot! I can't wait to work on it. Just need to finish a few things first.

    Your daughter and her husband will treasure the quilt and all the love, thought, and the memories of your mom that are stitched into it.

  8. This is looking so beautiful. I love the beautiful colours you've chosen. I'm sure you've mentioned before that it was a Sarah Fielke pattern.

  9. I love this quilt. The colors, the pattern and especially the scallops in the border. My father passed 6 months ago and I still have difficult days. Nothing can really prepare you for losing a parent.

  10. The quilt is beautiful and I agree that the process gives us time to think, ponder, and plan as we stitch those tiny applique stitches. I'm sure the couple will cherish the gift. I also identify well with the thoughts of your mom - mine is often in my thoughts and it's been almost 3 years.

  11. Stitching memories. I worked on some applique and hexies while sitting with my mom in her last days over the winter. I knew i was stitching memories. Only now am i able to pick up those projects again. Your post is so poignant. How wondrerful that you are able to combine your memories as you stitch this lovely applique.... Generations remembered in such lovely little stitches. Peace to you & yours.

  12. Okay, can I just say that I love your color combos. They are so stunning. I especially love this appliqué design you have on this quilt. Just want to say thanks for sharing because I have been soaking it all up for about a year or so :) Thanks again.

  13. It's been almost 5 years since my Mum died and I still think of her often, especially when I am doing sewing of some kind. I like to think of her as my sewing companion, one who only laughs a little when I make silly mistakes :)
    I can't wait to see how you quilt this one.

  14. I should be quilting my own applique quilt so of course I am desperate to see what you do here!

  15. Saw Sarah's lovely comments about your Whirligig and had to come and see for myself - it's so beautiful! Love the text background. Just gorgeous. Mine has been finished for quite a few months (top only), I loved making it so much. It's just been basted and is ready for hand quilting. Would love you to come and have a look! Danielle
