Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Not Alone...

So glad I am not alone in changing the original plan. I loved Jan's comment that her last quilt started out as a table runner and became a quilt.  I have had a few ideas that started as a quilt and became a placemat, or even a pot holder.  Actually, I usually don't plan too much....I tend to pull a bunch of fabrics and then edit from there.  

Because I don't have a dedicated sewing room, my organization is lacking.  My fabrics are in containers in a closet...so I don't have easy access to all of my fabrics.  But I do usually change my mind before I add an entire border...Oh well!!!

I am liking the new choice....much more neutral and less distracting.

I have added two more borders...

two more {I think} to go...

happy tuesday!
mary :)

** Pattern is Made to Measure by Sarah Fielke**


  1. I love those little star centers and the grey backgrounds--really pretty Julierose

  2. I love the b=fabric with the black cats and orange bows, especially paired with the orange and white polka dots!

  3. Hi Mary..this one is a beauty! I love the creative license we get to have when making our projects. You are a master at it!

  4. Your colours and fabrics are looking great!

  5. Gosh your quilt looks like so much fun! The kitty fabric is so cute, and I love that last black border--is that a newer fabric (such that I could find some)? If you remember the name of it, I'd appreciate it. I'm blaming you if I find I have to buy this book and start on another project! :)

  6. This looks so cheerful, love the fabrics and the stars!

  7. I love this quilt and I love your fabric choices.

  8. those stars are fabulous, well the whole quilt is!

  9. It's coming along a treat!
    Is this for fun?

  10. Enjoying the teasing glimpses but hoping you will let us see the whole thing soon!

  11. You are SO amazing. That's all I have to say. :D

  12. This quilty item is amazing! I love all the fabrics you've chosen and the design!

  13. I read the previous post too. I think my projects almost never end the way I imagined. Sometimes I now there is something missing, but I just don't want to listen to myself...until later end then I end up unpicking even more then if I had stopped earlier. I like the colours in your project.

  14. beautiful! You always make me want to quilt.

  15. It just looks so happy...love it!

  16. I absolutely love the kitty block! Well the strawberry block is cute too and I am lovin the gray! xo jan

  17. I'm loving where this is heading! Your design decisions are always 'spot-on', as are your fabrics!

  18. Some pieces tell you what they're going to be and not the other way around.

    Looks lovely so far!

  19. It must be something about this quilt, I have lost count of the times I changed my fabric decisions on the various borders, even to the extent of unpicking and replacing fabrics. In the end I was happy with the result tho!

  20. Love the notion of a quilt becoming a pot holder when things take a different turn. I tend to be a planner and need to loosen up a bit. Your "unplanned" is coming along quite nicely.

  21. it is looking great. i love the fabrics you chose (that i can see). :)

  22. Really loving this - can't wait to see the flimsy!
    Hugs - Lurline.

  23. great blocks here and some lovely fabrics, like the one with cats especially.

  24. So pretty! Love your choice of fabrics, as always!

    ; )

  25. LOVE!!! Do you happen to know the name of the kitty fabric and the strawberry fabric..they are so adorable!!
