Monday, June 24, 2013

Still Working on It....

Still adding borders...but had a bit of a set-back...with a border fabric that just didn't work...
had to unpick

hopefully today I can add another {more neutral} border and these sweet little corner blocks...

Tell me, how often do you change your mind about fabrics or design once a project has started???

happy monday!


  1. I love this block! Do you happen to know the name of the strawberry fabric?

  2. hmm well sometimes I never change my mind...but if Im not sure I will set it aside to stew..or take lots of photos with various options!

  3. I love the little details, great header too! :) x

  4. Ha! I change my mind OFTEN! At some point, I just get tired of making changes and go with what's there. My seam ripper has developed very good muscles!

  5. Good question. depends on the project. Often I add more fabrics than intended. Love what you are making.

  6. I love your star block! I can't wait to see more. I'm cutting out the 8th border on mine (I think it's the 8th). I constantly change my mind and have done that a bunch with this quilt, too. I'm hoping it doesn't look like a big hot mess but I figure--I like it--so that is okay. I hope. I think. ;)

  7. The last quilt I made started out as a table runner! But I liked it and just kept going with no real plan. I had to change fabric a coupla times but I loved when I finished. Have fun with yours!
    xo jan@sewandsowfarm

  8. Love that little star block! I'm always changing my mind about fabrics as I make my quilts.

  9. It is funny, some quilts are a myriad of changes on the hop, others just work with the original selection. That is what makes them interesting...or frustrating I suppose! Love the little star!

  10. I agree with Cardygirl- my quilts tend to be a mix of "change this, add that" or "everything works"! I've had second thoughts about the borders of my Museum Medallion but think its too late to go back now! Or is it? Lol! Love the little strawberry star though!

  11. Haha! Mary your question makes me laugh! I don't think any of my quilts have finished the way I originally intended - but I believe they are better for that!

    Hate unpicking - I sympathise! Cute wee block though.

  12. I like to think that it doesn't count as 'changing my mind' unless unpicking or buying large quantities of replacement fabric is involved. Everything else is just natural evolution.
    Unless I am following a quilt pattern, it is not uncommon for the end result to be a bit of a mystery when I begin.

  13. those strawberries look so tasty, a great block

  14. Very often my quilts speak to me, so sometimes it is necessary to change fabrics. I try to listen to what they are saying.
