Every once in a while I wish I were more competent with the computer...it would make things a tad bit easier....like preparing a tutorial. Ugh!
But here you go....I have prepared the BIG Dresden Tutorial for any of you who would like to make one for yourself...or for a friend.
First: Here are the templates you will need to complete the project. Please set size to 100% to copy....not fit to page. And be sure the copier also is set to 100%.
Click on the image to bring it up to copy.
The large circle is for the top and bottom of the pincushion...it measures about 6.25" across. The medium size circle {within the larger one} is for cutting out a piece of stabilizer { I used Decor Bond} or cardboard to fit on the bottom circle...it measures 5" across. This will help keep the bottom flat.
The smaller circle is for the center of the Dresden Flower.
And the wedge is the template for cutting out the blades if you do not have an 18 degree Dresden ruler.
Copy the templates at 135% on your printer
To begin cut 20 wedges using the template or if you have a Dresden ruler you can cut a strip of fabric 2 inches in width to cut your Dresden blades from.
Set the bottom edge of the ruler at the bottom edge of the 2 inch wide strip. The top of the strip should touch the 2 inch mark on the ruler. Begin on the left side of the strip and make one cut on the right side of the ruler. Now you can flip the ruler and use the last cut as the left side of the wedge....
Once you have 20 wedges, fold them in half length wise and finger press.
Reduce the stitch length on your machine...I use 1.7 for tiny pieces like this. You will sew a 1/4 inch seam allowance across the top {wider} edge of the wedge....at this stage chain-piecing comes in handy.
Cut wedges apart and turn inside out...push out the pointy top of the blade. They look like little hoods!
Press the pointy wedges with your iron and stitch them together along the raw edge. Don't worry about the bottoms aligning so evenly...the peaks and valleys are more important. You will be putting a center circle over the raw center edges - later.
Press all the seams in the same direction.
For the bottom and top circle {the larger circle}, I cut one from two different fabrics. I cut a piece of Decor Bond from the medium size circle and fused it to the wrong side of the bottom. If you don't have any stabilizer, you can just cut some poster board to slip in before you stuff the pincushion.
To the top circle I attach my Dresden with applique pins. Center the Dresden on the top large circle. Be sure to keep at least 1/4 inch from the edge of the circle free from any Dresden Points!
I like to hand applique my Dresdens, but if you prefer to use the machine you can simply top stitch close to the edge.
I use applique pins when I am hand appliqueing so I don't poke myself too much!
For hand applique I use a long thin milliner needle { also called a straw needle }
Here's a little tip to keep your stitches from showing too much when doing applique. When you are taking the needle back down into the background fabric....go down directly under where your needle came through the edge of the Dresden wedge. That way your stitch should not show....if you stitch at an angle the stitch will show. And I try to use a thread that matches what I am appliqueing....not the background fabric.

After you have finished the Dresden Plate applique, it is time to put the center circle on the Dresden. There are a couple of methods you can use here. You can trace your circle template onto the right side of the fabric, cut beyond the traced line, clip around the circle and needle-turn applique the center in place. Or you can trace the circle onto the wrong side of the fabric {cut 2} and stitch them together on the line. Trim around the line, close to the stitching and pull the two pieces apart slightly....snip a hole to turn the circle inside out. Turn inside out and press. Then applique this to the center of your Dresden. The advantage to the second method is that you don't have to do needle-turn and your edge is already finished. Plus it is easier to center the center circle without that extra fabric for turning in the way.
center for needle-turn
center circles stitched together....cut a slit in one half and turn.
Then simply applique the center onto the Dresden Plate...again....you can just top stitch if you would rather.
I placed a smaller piece of batting under my top circle {batting is the same size as the stabilizer circle}....I did this because I want to add some pick-stitches and french knots. Then I added a yo-yo and a button!!!
Are you still with me???
Now I am ready to put it all together. Cut a piece of fabric 1 1/2 inches wide by 23 inches long for the band that wraps around the center of the pincushion. If you want your pincushion to be deeper then simply cut a piece of fabric wider than 1 1/2 inches.
Take the long strip and fold over one short end about one inch.
Pin the long strip to the bottom of the Dresden. It should go completely around the bottom circle {right sides facing} and over lap by about an inch from the beginning fold. You can trim off any excess.
Carefully stitch around the circle.
Normally, I would stitch the top with the Dresden first, but I wasn't thinking and did the opposite. So you may want to stitch the band to the top first and then to the bottom.
Now I am ready to stitch the top of the Dresden onto this band. Again, with right sides facing pin the band and the top of the pincushion together. Be sure to leave a 3 inch opening for turning during this step! And use a scant 1/4 inch seam allowance so you don't catch any blade points in the stitching.
After the top and bottom have been stitched to the band, turn inside out and push out all around to give a nice circle shape. Then stuff your pincushion with cotton stuffing or even with left over batting.
Once it is stuffed - sew the opening closed!!!
So there you have it....one BIG Dresden Pincushion. I love mine! I hope you like yours too :)
If you really like the one I have just made...with this sweet American Jane fabric....add a comment and I will draw a lucky winner of this pincushion {plus I will throw in some fat quarters from the shoppe}. This giveaway will end Sunday at HIGH NOON!!!! And since this is the weekend for Quilt Market, in your comment tell us which fabric designer you would like to meet at Quilt Market!!!
Oh!!!! And last - BUT CERTAINLY NOT LEAST - be sure you are not a no-reply blogger!!! I just can't find you if you are a no-reply blogger. I need an email address so I can contact you...please :)
Happy Thursday everyone! And if you haven't visited Summerfete yet today...you must read her sweet tale of her 400th. post! So fun! mary
***Note*** Sorry....didn't mean to mislead you...I am not going to Quilt Market :( I am having too much fun saving my extra pennies for College Tuition {only 2 girls this year} and text books!!! heh, heh! But someday....although I will only be an observer not a featured player...LOL!
***The Giveaway is Closed....will be announcing the winner very soon....stay posted***