
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Big Wheel Keep on Turnin'.....

Proud Mary keep on burnin'.....
Recently, I purchased a Kaffe Fassett book called Passionate Patchwork...
     I fell in love with a quilt on the first few pages.  I thought it was vintage, but it is not.  And unfortunately the pattern is not in this book.  I am not sure if there is a pattern for this particular quilt....

This is so me!!!  Circles..spokes....print and color!!!! 

So I have decided to try to draft one on my own....
I drafted the arcs with my trusty freezer paper....

 There are three sections of wheels within this one large wheel.  So lots of folding, sewing, pressing and cutting....

And this is my version of the wheel....

If I am crazy enough to continue with this, I will make the center section with less spokes....the center is very thick where all those spokes meet.
That has been my distraction for the last couple of days...
 Flanders has been distracted by a chubby little ground hog {my kids called them grass hogs} running across our yard.

     She looks serious, doesn't she?
What has been your distraction today?  Hope it hasn't kept you from sewing :)


  1. So pretty and exuberant! great work!

  2. freezer paper is a quilters best friend! love that stuff and this is amazing mary! simply beautiful!

  3. I'm in love,... I want to make it too,...

  4. Gorgeous block! Love the photo of Flanders - does it come with a soundtrack or just intense concentration?!

  5. Absolutely totally and utterly gorgeous. Corey (Little Miss Shabby) made a fabulous version of this some time back in greens and blues and I always thought of attempting it - it is really wonderful - I love how you mix fabrics together in such a joyous way.

  6. Mary, that is wheely beautiful!! So full of scrappy goodness and clever curves. The background is perfect too! Its one big happy circle!!

  7. Holy Molly!!! This is amazing, glorious and wonderful rolled into one ;)
    This is what is distracting me!!

  8. Proud Mary, alright! This is lovely, just what we have come to expect from you!! I so admire your ability at drafting patterns and creating something so beautiful from a photo! Thanks for sharing your talent with us all!

  9. Love your "Proud Mary"!! So cool that you worked out the design without a pattern - it looks great. I'm distracted by having to go to the gym and work out and now I'm back to sewing (garden gnome costume for Sweet Audrey)!

  10. you must be very proud, mary ;)

    and flanders is so handsome!

  11. Wow this quilt is great. I have admired it in that book but wouldn't have tried to draft it. Good for you. I also love your hexies. I'm a new follower so I will look forward to seeing your progress!

  12. Mary boldly goes where others fear to tread! Brilliant you must make more!

    Beads and hockey matches have been my distractions today!

  13. What a fabulous wheel !!!! I love it and not that hard to work out...

  14. I could spin and stare at that wheel all day! It's stunning! :)

  15. i love that wheel it looks wonderful!

  16. it´s fantastic, gorgeous!!!
    This book is one of my favorites.
    your fabric combination looks so vintage, great!!!

  17. Super wheel, so much to look at.

  18. Wow! Not getting distracted today, got a quilt that needs quilting!

    ps. I'll swap you RB for Josh Holloway?

  19. I love anything in circles too and this is fabulous. I love the fabrics you use, they're so joyous and happy. What a great photo of Flanders.

  20. when i grow up, i want to be mary! this is fabulous!

  21. wow! i love the wheels :-) you are quite amazing. are you going to make a pattern to sell? i can't wait to see the whole quilt! i agree it looks vintage.

  22. Your block is fabulous! If you
    want to use the same number of spokes in the middle, you could put a little circle over the spot where they meet. I noticed that in the picture of Kaffe's quilt. Without, it still looks fantastic! You really did a nice job - the center looks completely flat and that's a hard thing to do.

  23. You are amazing. I would be just too chicken to draft my own pattern. Looking good!!

  24. That is some serious concentration. And a gorgeous quilt!

  25. Gasp!!! Gorgeous!!

    My distraction has been learning how to use my darning foot and do some free motion quilting. Argh.

  26. Honestly, Mary, I love how you think!! What a beauty!! You are a great distraction!!

  27. That really is an inspiring piece you worked from! I think I will try a single wheel wall quilt! Your version deinitely demands attention! Your fabrics have the feel of vintage as well. Fabulous!

  28. I like your version better! Good job! It is very interesting for me to see how you went about making it. Thanks for sharing your thought process with us!

  29. This looks fantastic (and scary to attempt). The book is one of my favorites by Kaffe. I later realized just how much he is inspired by vintage quilts. Clever guy...
    ; )

  30. Love it! The original is stunning and tour version is so exuberant. I think I need to tackle one of these, too.

  31. Well,... what can I say, I'm still in love,...
